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He made a small bundle, and going to an isolated pool in the rocks in which were small fish he beat the leaves with a nulla-nulla, dipping the bruised mass frequently in the water. In a few minutes the fish were darting about erratically, apparently making frantic efforts to get out of the water. One by one they became stupefied and helpless, floating belly up.

They pity and excuse and endeavour to soothe. To strangers whom Cassowary has never loved and would now assault with spear and nulla-nulla, they apologise. "Poor fella, Cassowary. Him no good. Close up that fella finis." Then they tell of his strange fantasies.

Carolan had left me at Craigie, and gone on to a public house at Nulla-Nulla, on the main Flinders road from Townsville. He bought in shares with a teamster, who had two teams, and as there was good grass and water, there he decided to camp. Here I met "Black Jack," who said he was the first white man to cross the Burdekin. Carolan having come out to give me a hand, Mr.

They'll pretend they're dying in agony just to wheedle a drop of rum or a fig of tobacco out of a white man; and they'll take it quite as a matter of course when one of their men bashes their head in with a NULLA-NULLA. 'I suppose you'll allow that a spear wound may hurt a little, said Bridget. 'I believe that you yourself suffered from the effect of one at least, you once told me so.

Even for a straight shot it had a longer range and far higher velocity, with less strength expenditure, than the waddy or nulla-nulla; and its homing flight had practical if not frequent uses. In his childhood, adolescence and maturity the black of to-day so graphically summarises a chapter in the history of his race that he who runs may read.

The white man repeatedly getting up during the night excited suspicion, and they determined to destroy him the following morning, which they did by Wongadgery going unperceived behind him and striking him on the back of the head with a nulla-nulla. The other three men then rushing upon him with their weapons, speedily effected their purpose.

A gin and child gave the alarm, upon which he stared at the strange assemblage with a look of horror, and immediately calling to the female in an authoritative tone, she disappeared in the woods. He then threw a club, or nulla-nulla, to the foot of the tree, and ascended to the highest branch.

"Well, rather," said the man, with a peculiar smile. "We shall have a kind of supper ready soon; so call off your men at once." "All right; only no games." "Treachery?" said the doctor; "I had no thought of anything of the kind." "Here, Black Jack, let go, and take the boys forward. No mumkull, baal, spear, baal, nulla-nulla. Plenty much eat soon. Get out."

Him come close-up long-a srub throw 'im spear, NULLA-NULLA plenty look out Wombo. YUCKE! YUCKE! Lathychap suppose Massa let Wombo sit down long-a head-station two day, three day black fellow get tired up stick no more look out. No catch 'im Wombo. Lady Bridget came down the steps from the veranda and went up to McKeith. 'Colin, what the gin says is true.

He can understand and talk English enough to tell you." "I tell you this," began the doctor, but he was stopped by a growl that might have emanated from some savage beast. "You wait till I've done. Coo-ee!" "Coo-ee!" came in answer, and Black Jack rushed forward in a series of bounds, nulla-nulla in one hand, boomerang in the other. "Here, Jack, what do I do when I'm ugly?"