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Viens sous des tendelets aux fleuves souriants Aux lilas pâlis des nuits d'Orient Aux glauques étendues

Some of his lyrics are perfect; the famous song of Fortunio in itself entitles him to a high place among the masters of the language; and in his longer pieces especially in the four Nuits his emotion occasionally rises, grows transfigured, and vibrates with a strange intensity, a long, poignant, haunting note.

I cannot here pretend to deal with the treatment of nature in Rousseau, or with the outcome of his influence first in Bernardin de Saint-Pierre and Chateaubriand, and then in the elegiac beauty of Lamartine and de Musset's Nuits; nor can I deal with the poetry of nature in Goethe, and its lesser but often beautiful expression in the German 'Romanticists', and in Heine.

The beverage was declared exquisite, and was due to the infusion of the choicest leaves, of which the emperor of Russia had given some chests for the benefit of the travelers. And lastly, to crown the repast, Ardan had brought out a fine bottle of Nuits, which was found "by chance" in the provision-box. The three friends drank to the union of the earth and her satellite.

The Emperor remembered perfectly the conversation at Nuits, but meaningly said that his friend must have been asleep and dreaming. Several traditions which throw some light on Buonaparte's attitude toward religion date from this last residence in Auxonne.

Lastly, as a worthy ending to the meal, Ardan ferreted out a fine bottle of "Nuits" burgundy that "happened" to be in the provision compartment. The three friends drank it to the union of the earth and her satellite. And as if the generous wine it had distilled upon the hill-sides of Burgundy were not enough, the sun was determined to help in the feast.

General von Werder was at this time covering the siege of Belfort and watching Langres. On December 18 there was an engagement at Nuits between some of his forces and those led by the French commander Cremer, who claimed the victory, but afterwards retreated towards Beaune. The French, however, were now able to re-occupy Dijon.

It was this idea of spirits in animal form that helped to preserve the memory of the older totemism into historic times. The wild boar, too, was a favourite emblem of Gaul, and there is extant a bronze figure of a Celtic Diana riding on a boar's back. At Bolar, near Nuits, there was discovered a bronze mule. In front of her stood a figure of a bear, which was also found with her.

Cap Cop he couldn't think of the name, but he had written it down in his pocket-book. The door closed; the waiter was gone; but Warburton still talked French. "Oui, oui en effet tres fatigue, horriblement fatiguee! Trois nuits sans sommeil trois nuits trois!" His clothes fell in a heap on the floor; his body fell in another direction. He was dead asleep. Amid struggle and gloom the scene changed.

The War in various Regions of France General Faidherbe Battle of Pont-Noyelles Unreliability of French Official News Engagement of Nuits Le Bourget Sortie Battles of Bapaume and Villersexel Chanzy's Plan of Operations The Affair of Saint Calais Wretched State of some of Chanzy's Soldiers Le Mans and its Historical Associations The Surrounding Country Chanzy's Career Positions of his Forces Advance of Prince Frederick Charles The first Fighting before Le Mans and its Result.