United States or North Korea ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

We must rely on and encourage multiple forms of energy production coal, crude oil, natural gas, solar, nuclear, synthetics and energy conservation. The framework put in place over the last four years will enable us to do this.

Our recently signed INF treaty is historic, because it reduces nuclear arms and establishes the most stringent verification regime in arms control history, including several forms of short-notice, on-site inspection. I submitted the treaty today, and I urge the Senate to give its advice and consent to ratification of this landmark agreement. Thank you very much.

"While I'm in a givin' mood, which is not the way of us Scots, is there anything ye'd like?" Rip could think of only one thing. "A hot shower. For me and my men. And will you take the prisoners off our hands?" "Yes to both. Anything else?" "We'll need some rocket fuel. Terra says we have to correct course. Also, we'll need a nuclear charge to throw us into a braking ellipse.

"He said and I quote" Mike's voice assumed a gloomy, but stilted tone "normal hydrogen gas consists of diatomic molecules. The nuclear, or proton, spin of these atoms ah that is, of the two atoms that compose the molecule may be oriented in the same direction or in opposite directions." He held a finger in the air as if to make a deep philosophical point.

In his view, it was men who could read and write who hatched the diabolical political ideologies and designed the frightful nuclear weapons of that period. In his mind, Literacy is equated with 'Mein Kampf' and 'Das Kapital', with the A-bomb and the H-bomb, with concentration camps and blasted cities. From this position, of course, I beg politely to differ.

But the greatest irony of all was that its most probable immediate usefulness would be the help it would give in making nuclear experiments that weren't safe enough to make on Earth. That was pure irony. Because if those experiments were successful, they should mean that everybody in the world would in time become rich beyond envy. But Joe couldn't react to the fact.

But think how much has changed in the past decade: thousands of former Soviet nuclear weapons eliminated; Russian soldiers serving with ours in the Balkans; Russian people electing their leaders for the first time in a thousand years. And in China, an economy more open to the world than ever before. No one can know for sure what direction these great countries will choose.

He finished his beer and shoved the bottle into the waste-receiver, then got out his cigarettes. "There isn't a single nuclear bomb on the planet. The Company's always refused to allow them to be manufactured or stockpiled here." "I don't think there'd be any criticism of your making them, now, general. And there's certainly plenty of plutonium. You could make A-bombs, at least."

That effort to control nuclear weapons will not be abandoned. We superpowers also have the responsibility to exercise restraint in the use of our great military force. The integrity and the independence of weaker nations must not be threatened. They must know that in our presence they are secure. But now the Soviet Union has taken a radical and an aggressive new step.

We have found diagrams of American nuclear power plants and public water facilities, detailed instructions for making chemical weapons, surveillance maps of American cities, and thorough descriptions of landmarks in America and throughout the world. What we have found in Afghanistan confirms that, far from ending there, our war against terror is only beginning.