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"Tell y' what I'll do," said Creed, speaking in a tone of the utmost generosity. "Give me ten dollars to boot, an' we'll call it a trade." Jacques laughed loudly and, handing the other his rifle, picked up his own. "We must be goin'," he observed, and rose to his feet. "Better have 'nother drink 'fore y' go," said Creed, tendering the bottle.

Each evening Kennicott repeated, "We better not take off our Heavy Underwear or the storm windows too soon might be 'nother spell of cold got to be careful 'bout catching cold wonder if the coal will last through?" The expanding forces of life within her choked the desire for reforming. She trotted through the house, planning the spring cleaning with Bea.

After all, the unseen world is not so very far away. Strange forces, of which we know nothing, are about us everywhere. I dare not say that I do not believe." "But you ain't scared?" "Why should I fear?" Sammy shook her head. "Ain't 'nother man or woman in the whole country would dast spend the night here, Dad; except Pete, of course.

"Oh, Cindy, I rid over to see if you couldn't lend me a needle! I broke the last one I had to-day, and pap says thar ain't nary 'nother to be bought in the country hereabouts!" Cindy declared she was in the same fix, and couldn't finish her new homespun dress for that reason. The soldier just then had an idea.

"Well, he's going to ask the whole gang," I hardly felt complimented by the word, "and whatever he gives you, he'll give you good. Don't look forward to variety, but you'll have excellence. And there'sa nother rum thing in his house," proceeded Wemmick, after a moment's pause, as if the remark followed on the housekeeper understood; "he never lets a door or window be fastened at night."

I drew my breath hard as I looked at the long lines of slowly plodding oxen and then in the direction of our rescuers, who must have seen we were pursued, for they were galloping. Then, to my horror, Joeboy turned to me and nodded, after gazing back. "Um?" he said in a long, slow, murmuring way, "'nother lot o' Doppie coming. Big lot."

"You see 't won't be so tough for me as if I hadn't always felt it lurking within me to go off some day or 'nother an' see how other folks did things. I do' know but what the Winn gals have laid up somethin' sufficient for us to take a house, with the little mite I've got by me. I might keep house for us all, 'stead o' boardin' round in other folks' houses.

An' it rained forty days an' nights, an' then it stopped, an' Noah got out of the ark, an' he and his little boys an' girls went wherever they wanted to, and everything in the world was all theirs; there wasn't anybody to tell 'em to go home, nor no Kindergarten schools to go to, nor no bad boys to fight 'em, nor nothin'. Now tell us 'nother story."

The Davidsons had company and they'd been in to see the shop and the mills and vanes and one thing or 'nother. They seemed nice, pleasant enough folks; laughed a good deal, but I didn't mind that. I walked out into the yard along with 'em and then, after I left 'em, I stood for a minute on the front step of the shop, with the open door between me and this house here.

She is talking to the lady in the 'nother room, and she said I was to be amused. You are to amuse me!" "No, no, quite a mistake. You must amuse me!" said Jack solemnly. "I have been out all day, and am tired and sleepy, so you must do something to cheer me up. What can you suggest, now, that would be really lively and entertaining?" Viva reflected deeply.