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She failed, she admits now, to see the conventional "note-book," so symbolical of the calling at home, and thus her fears and suspicions were disarmed. One instance of Mary Anderson's kind and womanly sympathy to some of the poorest of London's waifs and strays should not be unrecorded here.

"You've got a subaltern at the waggon line.... Get him up," advised the colonel, "the sergeant-major can carry on there.... Tell the General that another officer will arrive as soon as possible to do liaison." The colonel looked again at his note-book. "We're frightfully down in officers," he said at last. "I'll ask Colonel of the rd if he can spare some one to take on to-night."

It had dignity and repose, which these never had elsewhere; but it was perhaps not so much for the dying warrior and the pitying lion of the sculpture that their hearts were moved as for the gentle and mournful humanity of the inscription, which dropped into equivalent English verse in March's note-book: Fame was enough for the Victors, and glory and verdurous laurel; Tears by their mothers wept founded this image of stone.

Then he closed his note-book and put it in his pocket. 'The question now is: Have these gentlemen stated how much they will subscribe? asked Wentworth. 'No, they have not. Of course, everything will depend on how they are impressed with what we can tell them. The great thing is to get men who are willing even to listen to you. The rest depends on the inducements you offer.

Seeing this, she opened the casement and stood framed by the surrounding greenery. Adrien waved his hand to her; then, hastily scribbling something in a note-book, he tore the page out, and evidently despatched it by one of the waiting servants. She watched every movement, with eyes shining with eagerness, and could have cried bitterly at the thought of his absence.

"Yes; I'm sure it will; and I'm ever so glad you've done it at last, Lu." "But, oh! Max, how can I go back to that horrid man after I've said so many times that I never would?" She seemed inclined to snatch the note out of his hand, but he stepped back quickly out of reach, hastily deposited it in the note-book, and that in his pocket. "Don't repent of doing right, Lu," he said.

Payment would be made strictly on account of value received. The tea was good. And the tobacco exceptionally strong, as anyone could tell from a distance. Why then should the hawk-eyed one delay his own felicity? This hastened matters considerably and the secretary's note-book was soon busy. Spence felt his oldtime keenness revive. And Desire was happy for was not this her work at last?

"Done. I will write her exact language here on this piece of paper and then we will exchange copy." Harrington sat pleasantly amused, yet puzzled, while Dryden wrote and folded the paper. Then he proffered his note-book with nervous alacrity. "Read aloud until you come to the place," he said jauntily. Dryden scanned for a moment the memoranda, then looked up.

Well, an interviewer's business is the same thing. His man is his oyster, which he, not with sword, but with pencil and note-book, must open. Mark how the oysterman's thin blade insinuates itself, how gently at first, how strenuously when once fairly between the shells!

There is a sense in which those mists never rose from off our journey; and from that time forth they lie very densely in my note-book. As long as the Oise was a small rural river, it took us near by people's doors, and we could hold a conversation with natives in the riparian fields. But now that it had grown so wide, the life along shore passed us by at a distance.