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The suppressed giggles excited the curiosity of the non-players. Most of the bishops and half the generals asked to be allowed to join. The giggles grew into roars. Those standing out found that they could not read their papers in comfort. From "Consequences" the descent was easy.

A cry of protest went up, half laughing, half indignant. Groups of non-players who had been chatting or strolling round the rooms hurried to the table to see "what was the row," any sensation, big or small, being an event to receive thankfully. "Mais, Mademoiselle!"

I wonder if you'd care to see it?" Joyselle pursed up his lips. "I should, but I warn you, it is probably an imposture. Most cherished violins are that are in the hands of non-players." "No doubt, but Sarasate has played on this one, and he believed it to be genuine." "Aha! When may I come?" Carron named a near day, and then they went upstairs.

Shortly afterwards the trill of the door-bell pealed through the flat, followed by a sound of footsteps in the hall, and, a minute later, Maryon Rooke came into the room. A brief stir succeeded his entrance, as Penelope and one or two other non-players exchanged greetings with him. Then he crossed over to where Nan was playing.

Non-players or discouraged losers bore down upon the "architect's table," running even from the distant trente-et-quarante room. The story sounded rather like a fairy tale, but the enormous crowd round the centre of interest, and the comparatively slack business being done at other tables, proved its truth.

Here the non-players betook themselves, while the doctor and the two boys went off to the spot where already most of the other players were gathered a lean-to under a huge gum-tree, used as a dressing-room by most of the combatants, a number of whom arrived on horseback from long distances.

Sundry guests declined to play, on the ground that they lacked the needful brilliance. Henry declined utterly, but he had the wit not to give his reasons. It was he who suggested that the non-players should form a jury. At last seven players were recruited, including Mr. Ashton Portway, Miss Marchrose, Geraldine, Mr. Dolbiac, and three others. Mrs. Ashton Portway sat down by Henry as a jurywoman.

"Yes, quite a small party this afternoon," said Serena, in reply to a seemingly casual remark on Francesca's part; "and two or three non-players, which is unusual on a Wednesday. Canon Besomley was here just before you came; you know, the big preaching man." "I've been to hear him scold the human race once or twice," said Francesca.