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Some of six-inch bore fire as high as eight aimed shots a minute, but this is only under ideal conditions. Great care is being taken now to prolong the "life" of the big guns by using non-corrosive material for the charges.

But, a suit that worked fine in space didn't necessarily work on other planets, unless it worked fine on the planet it was used on. A Moon Suit isn't a Mars Suit isn't a Venus Suit isn't a Triton Suit isn't a.... Carry it on from there. Number Three was insulated against a frigid but relatively non-corrosive atmosphere.

Then somebody found a new use for gold by inventing a process by which it could be hardened and tempered, assuming a wonderful toughness and elasticity without losing its non-corrosive property, and in this form it rapidly took the place of steel. In the mean time every effort was made to bolster up credit. Endless were the attempts to find a substitute for gold.

The absolute freedom of all moving parts of the spraying mechanism should be one of the tester's first assurances. To facilitate this, it is customary to construct the parts, with the exception of the springs, of brass or some other non-corrosive metal. The spraying cone must be thoroughly clean in every channel, to insure a well-distributed stream of water.

Spectacle frames of non-corrosive white metal, not steel, are the proper sort. To clean your guns you must supply plenty of oil, and then some more. The East African gunbearer has a quite proper and gratifying, but most astonishing horror for a suspicion of rust; and to use oil any faster he would have to drink it. Other Equipment.