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The peasants of the district are so well acquainted with the non-conducting properties of volcanic sand, that they secure an annual store of snow, for providing water in summer, by strewing a layer of sand a few inches thick upon a field of snow, thus effectually shutting out the heat of the sun.

Where an oven or heated chamber is much used for periods of over half an hour at once, a non-conducting casing pays well by reduced gas consumption.

In the ordinary flat flame burner, given a good non-conducting material, and a well regulated gas supply, little more can be done, while burning it in the ordinary way, to increase its luminosity; and it is the large surface of flame exposed to the cooling action of the air which causes this form of burner to give the lowest service of any per cubic foot of gas consumed.

Unbelief, distrust of Him, which separates us from Him and closes the heart fast against His grace, must cut us off from that which it does not feel that it needs, nor cares to receive; and must interpose a non-conducting medium between us and the electric influences of His might.

Under both tiles and slates, but particularly under the latter, there should be some non-conducting substance, such as boarding, or felt, or pugging. Then, in cold weather heat will be retained; in hot weather it will be excluded. Roofs should be of a suitable pitch, so that neither rain nor snow can find its way in in windy weather. Great care must be taken in laying gutters and flats.

We certainly cannot get rid of the fire-trick by aid of a hypothetical 'non-conducting substance. Till the 'substance' is tested experimentally it is not a vera causa. We might as well say 'spirits' at once. Both that 'substance' and those 'spirits' are equally 'in the air. Yet Mr. It seems wiser to admit our ignorance and suspend our belief. Here closes the futile chapter of explanations.

After some discussion, the projectile, called the Annihilator, from the fact that it annihilated space, was begun. It was two hundred feet long, ten feet in diameter in the middle, and shaped like a cigar. It consisted of a double shell of strong metal, with a non-conducting gas between the two sides.

These have been specially condemned in England, as no matter how good the non-conducting substance and many are so only in name it will become rubbed off at some points, and there the bottom will be eaten both by salt water and action of copper. Coal tar and asphaltum are the subjects of patents in various forms.

At 39° Fahr., 1 lb. of air measures 12½ cubic feet. Let us suppose that 1 lb. of air at 39° Fahr. = 500° absolute, is contained in a non-conducting cylinder of 1 foot area and 12½ feet deep under a counterpoised piston. The pressure of the atmosphere on the piston = 144 square inches × 14.7 lb., or 2,116 lb.

Alas! alas! for the many thousands of professing Christians who are wrapping themselves in such thick folds of non-conducting material that that fiery energy can only play on the surface of their lives, instead of searching them to the depths.