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The submaxillary glands may be enlarged, and at first more or less hard and painful, but later they become nodular and adhere to the jaw or skin. Nodules and ulcers may form on the skin over the inferior wall of the abdomen and the inside of the hind limbs and are known as "farcy buds." Lymphatic vessels near these buds become swollen and hard.

The finding of yellowish, white, cheesy nodules or masses in the liver, spleen, intestines and mesenteries is strong evidence of tuberculosis. A bacteriological examination of the tissues may be necessary in order to confirm the diagnosis. The same methods of treatment as recommended in tuberculosis of other domestic animals may be used in eliminating the disease from the premises and flock.

Writing about Echinopsis cristata, which he grew and flowered exceptionally well, he says: "This showy plant is a native of Chili, and, like its Mexican allies, thrives if potted in light loam, with a little leaf mould and a few nodules of lime rubbish. The latter are for the purpose of keeping the soil open; it is also necessary that the soil should be well drained.

The appearance of the above nodules of chalk surprised me, much at first, as they closely resembled water-worn pebbles, whereas the freshly-broken fragments had been angular. But on examining the nodules with a lens, they no longer appeared water-worn, for their surfaces were pitted through unequal corrosion, and minute, sharp points, formed of broken fossil shells, projected from them.

Many poultrymen dispose of the entire flock as soon as the disease makes its appearance, and clean and disinfect the premises before restocking. The nodules should be treated with vaseline, or glycerine ointments containing two per cent of any of the common antiseptics or disinfectants. ENTERO-HEPATITIS. "BLACKHEAD." This is a very fatal disease of young turkeys.

So angry was the Great Spirit at this act of cruelty and treachery that he caused blood to ooze from the soil, as he had made water leap for his thirsting children, and never again would grass grow on the spot where the murder had been done. There is a clay bank on Little Neck, Long Island, where metallic nodules are now and then exposed by rain.

In the course of a week, small, firm nodules appear, and are rapidly transformed into pustules. These may occur on the face and in the vicinity of joints, and may be mistaken for the eruption of small-pox. After breaking down, these pustules give rise to irregular ulcers, which by their confluence lead to extensive destruction of skin.

The origin of the layers of flint, whether in the form of nodules, or continuous sheets, or in veins or cracks not parallel to the stratification, has always been more difficult to explain than that of the white chalk. But here, again, the late deep-sea soundings have suggested a possible source of such mineral matter.

Between the walled towns of Bullabulla and Rajadawa, the route passed through plantations of grain, indigo, and cotton; the soil clay mixed with sand, with here and there large blocks of sandstone, containing nodules of iron and veins of iron-stone.

And when I considered that what I looked down on this, with its arteries and nodules of public traffic was a nation; that each silent nodule held some thousands of men, each man moderately ready to die in defence of his shopboard and hen-roost; it came into my mind that my Emperor's emblem was the bee, and this Britain the spider's web, sure enough. Byfield came across and stood at my elbow. "Mr.