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"DEAR RANDY: Nobudy ever had a dolly so lovely as mine you sended me. I ust tu take Tabby tu bed wiv me but now I take mi dolly. 1 day Tabby washed her hare, I meen my dollys hare I gess she thort it waz 1 of her kittns. Tabbys got tu kittns. They has not got thay ize open yet, so I tryd tu pick um opn, but arnt Prudence sed that wood be cruil.

"Jest tie th' map tew th' end of this string, an' somebudy out thar somewhere in th' darkness will pull it tew him, without nobudy here bein' th' wiser for it. Not a durned bit of use tew follow up th' string neither. They could shoot an' cut an' run long afore we could see them in th' darkness. They shore are good at planning th' durned skunks!

Murphy broke off a piece of bannock, on the side least burned, and nodded his head in a peculiarly knowing manner. "Av ye could kape yer tongue quiet fr'm clappin' all ye know, Mike, I cud tell ye somethin' I cud thot." "Wh-why, nobudy ever heard me talkin' things that's tol' in secret," Mike made haste to asseverate.

"Now, who can it be!" exclaimed Ham, the moment his eyes caught sight of the smoke and the light, while all quickened their steps and their faces brightened; for company in that lonely log house was such a rarity as to be most gladly welcomed. "Won't expectin' nobudy, was you, Con?" "No," answered Conroyal. "I can't imagine who it can be."

"Do you cook your own meals?" "Nobudy else ter do it." "And don't you get dreadfully lonesome at night?" "Who? Me? Guess not. What the Sam Hill is they to be lonesome over?" "There are no near neighbors, are there?" "Plenty.

Bud glanced down at his hand and saw that he held a bit of folded paper. Hastily, yet cautiously, he unfolded it and read these words scrawled on it with a lead pencil: Me and Spike kan yit save you. Give up the miners map and promis to tell nobudy of the kave of gold and we wil git you free.