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After he had his feet nicely covered with the ink, Papa No-Tail would hop all over pieces of white paper to make funny patterns on them. Then they would be ready to paper a room, and make it look pretty.

But this time Susie's doll did not talk, she did not laugh, and, instead of singing, she only made a scratchy noise like a phonograph when it doesn't want to play, or like Bully No-Tail, the frog boy, when he has a cold in his head. "Oh, dear! This is quite too bad!" said Uncle Wiggily. "Quite indeed." "Isn't it!" exclaimed Susie. "Do you think you can fix her, Uncle?" Mr.

Why he picked up the very piece of wallpaper that was wrapped around Papa Chip-ChipOh, no, excuse me! I mean Papa No-Tail. Yes, the man picked up that roll, with Bully’s and Bawly’s papa inside, and away he went with it, and the old gentleman frog was still sound asleep.

So he went up to the house, where Bully and Bawly, the two boy frogs, were just getting ready to go out roller skating, and Mr. No-Tail asked them if they didn’t want to come with him instead. “Indeed we do!” cried Bully, as he winked both eyes at his brother, for he knew that when his papa took them out hopping, he used often to stop in a store and buy them peanuts or candy.

Poor Mrs. No-Tail didn’t know what was going to happen to her, nor how near she was to never coming home at all again. But there, wait, if you please, I’ll tell you all about it. Away hopped Mrs. No-Tail through the woods, carrying the custard pie and the toasted cheese for Mrs. Longtail in a little basket.

“I have a holiday,” said Papa No-Tail, as he hopped about, “and I am going to have a good time.” “What are you going to do?” asked Grandpa Croaker as he started off across the pond to play checkers with Uncle Wiggily Longears. “I think I will take Bully and Bawly and go for a swim, and then we’ll take a hop through the woods and perhaps we may find an adventure,” answered Mr. No-Tail.

Well, I’m not going to tell you a story about that giant, but about another, who had only one head, though it was a very large one, and this giant nearly scared Papa No-Tail, the frog gentleman, into a conniption fit, which is almost as bad as the epizootic. It happened one day that there wasn’t any work for Mr.

On he came, right after Nannie, for he wanted to catch and eat her. You see he used to be in a cage in a big animal park, but he got loose and he was now very hungry, for no one had fed him in some time. Well, Papa No-Tail was so surprised that, for a moment, he didn’t know what to do. He just sat still under a big cabbage leaf, and looked at the bear chasing after Nannie.

And last of all she prostrated herself at full length before the pictures which she had drawn on the wall and on her dining-platform. In the meantime little Prince No-tail and little Prince Cut-tail and little Prince Dock-tail had come up without the little daughter-in-law noticing them.

Oh, I must do something to that cat!” thought Mrs. No-Tail. “I must make him let Mrs. Longtail go.” So she thought and thought, and finally the frog lady saw a sprinkling can hanging on a nail in the dining-room, where Mrs. Longtail kept it to water the flowers with. “I think that will do,” said Mrs. No-Tail.