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He would have been a better poet than a novelist, and I believe that he thought so. The public did not care for his poetry. If he had belonged to the no-compromise school, whose adherents usually have the effrontery to claim him, he would have said: "I shall keep on writing poetry, even if I have to become a stockbroker in order to do it."

So much the worse for him, if James Murdock is in the ring against him. Do you know my inferences? I am sure he is not one of the invulnerables. The fact that he made a concession to Barry gives him away. He didn't need to. If Barry can work him by a little flattery and an appeal to their shoddy friendship, he's not one of your out-and-out, no-compromise, reform-or-die fellows.

Of nearly all really original artists, however, it may be said that they are at loggerheads with the public as an almost inevitable consequence of their originality; and for them the problem of compromise or no-compromise acutely exists. George Meredith was such an artist. George Meredith before anything else was a poet.

The revolutionists in Lombardy and Venetia are all in favour of the new Pope. They are going in for liberal reforms, hand in hand with the progressive movement in the Church. How can a 'no-compromise' anti-clerical like you get on with them?" He shrugged his shoulders. "What is it to me if they like to amuse themselves with a rag-doll, so long as they do their work?

Got the mumps or any other disfiguring complaint?" "Mercy, no! But it can't be that it is necessary! He he certainly could " "Did you read that schedule?" Julius's voice had in it a commanding, no-compromise quality.

"Where is all the no-compromise talk I've heard at various times, and the high ideals, and the loyalty to the Service at any cost, and all the rest of it? You're not consistent." Amy eyed him a little disdainfully. "You've got to save that poor old man," she stated.

But when he was only thirty-three a boy, as authors go he had already tired of no-compromise.