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I and Nindrandigro and Calilla spent the evening on ServSec One-Six-Five. Councilman Salgath told me that he had some business and wanted them out of the apartment, and wanted me to keep an eye on them. We didn't hear any news at all." She hesitated. "Has anything ... serious ... happened?" Vall studied her for a moment, then glanced at Dalla.

"Here, Zinganna; take these, and take Nindrandigro and Calilla out for the evening. Go where you can all have a good time, and don't come back till after midnight. There will be some business transacted here, and I want them out of this. Get them out of here as soon as you can; I'll see to the dinner myself. Spend all of that you want to." The girl riffled through the wad of banknotes.

In one of the viewscreens, he saw the door to the service hallway open. Zinganna, in a black evening gown and a black velvet cloak, and Calilla, the housemaid, in what she believed to be a reasonable facsimile of fashionable First Level dress, and Nindrandigro, in one of his master's evening suits, emerged.

That was of no importance, however; by then, he'd be beyond caring. One of his three ServSec Prole servants the slim brown girl who was his housekeeper and hostess, and also his mistress admitted him to the apartment. He kissed her perfunctorily and closed the door behind him. "You're tired," she said. "Let me call Nindrandigro and have him bring you chilled wine; lie down and rest until dinner."