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An ancient proverb makes the happiness of this life to consist in wishing to be what we are and nothing more. Quod sis esse velis, nihilque malis. Blessed Francis who, in his own opinion, had already risen too high in the hierarchy of the Church, turned his thoughts rather to giving up his dignities than to seeking promotion.

The famous passage in Seneca's tragedy, in which Medea asserts herself as sufficient to stand alone against the universe, contains its essence and is its complete expression. Nutr. Spes nulla monstrat rebus adflictis viam. Med. Qui nil potest sperare, desperet nihil. Nutr. Abiere Colchi; conjugis nulla est fides; Nihilque superest opibus e tantis tibi. Med.

A sou, sometimes a crown-piece, a stone, a skeleton, a bleeding body, sometimes a spectre folded in four like a sheet of paper in a portfolio, sometimes nothing. This is what Tryphon's verses seem to announce to the indiscreet and curious: "Fodit, et in fossa thesauros condit opaca, As, nummas, lapides, cadaver, simulacra, nihilque."

Ego aliquot horis spatiatus in hospitium reverti nihilque aliud quam puerum basiavi. At ille circumspiciens ut cervicem meam iunxit amplexu, 'rogo' inquit 'domine, ubi est asturco? "Cum ob hanc offensam praeclusissem mihi aditum, quem feceram, iterum ad licentiam redii.