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Still her husband shook his head. "Remember the Solomons," she pressed. "Remember the Ariel. Remember when we came back from Malaita, where we picked Jerry up, to Tulagi, that he had a brother there, a nigger-chaser on a schooner." "And his name was Michael go on." "And he had that self-same crinkled ear," she hurried. "And he was rough- coated. And he was full brother to Jerry.

I've got a dog for you. Tommy Jones sent it up from Neal Island. He said he'd promised it to you. It's a first-class nigger-chaser. Hadn't been on board two minutes when he had my whole boat's-crew in the rigging. Tommy calls him Satan." "I've wondered several times why you had no dogs here," Joan said. "The trouble is to keep them. They're always eaten by the crocodiles."

You look so happy when you are smoking that I thought I would like to learn, so I lit the pipe, and drew on it, and the smoke wouldn't come, and I drew in my breath whole length, as I do when I dive off a spring board, and the whole inside of the pipe came into my mouth, and I swallowed the whole business, and pretty soon it felt as though a pin-wheel had been touched off inside of me, and the sparks flew out of my nose, and the smoke came out of my ears, and they turned on the water in my eyes, and my mouth puckered up and acted salivated, like I had eaten choke-cherries, and pretty soon the pin-wheel in my stomach began to run down, and I thought I was going to stop celebrating, when the pin-wheel seemed to touch off a nigger-chaser, and it went to fizzing all around inside of me, up into my lungs, and down around my liver, and it called at all my vital parts and registered its name, and when the nigger-chaser seemed to be dying it touched off an internal skyrocket, and s-i-z-boom that was when I went in the bathroom, 'cause I was afraid of the stick.

Show the management that such turns are unpopular, and in a day, in an instant, the management will cease catering such turns to its audiences. December 8, 1915 But Michael never sailed out of Tulagi, nigger-chaser on the Eugenie. Once in five weeks the steamer Makambo made Tulagi its port of call on the way from New Guinea and the Shortlands to Australia.

"I believe there's a nigger in this woodpile and I'm a right nifty little nigger-chaser." When he came back about noon, however, he looked puzzled. I drew him aside. "It seems on the level," he said. "It's so darned open it makes me suspicious. But she's back of it all right. I got her bank on the long-distance 'phone."

"And what do you think of the nigger-chaser?" "I'm thinking we have a task before us to train him in to the house-boys," she called back. "And to your Tahitians, too. Look out, Noah! Run for it!" Satan, having satisfied himself that the tree-perches were unassailable, was charging straight for the big Tahitian.

He ignored the chuckling, grinning, girding black boys, who, but for the fact that he was under the terrible aegis of the big fella white marster, would have delighted to kill and eat the puppy who, in the process of training, was proving a most capable nigger-chaser.

"He does me," she laughed, half-hysterically. "Because he knows me. . . . Harley!" She broke off as the great idea dawned on her. "I have a test. Listen! Remember, Jerry was a nigger-chaser before we got him. And Michael was a nigger-chaser. You talk in beche-de-mer. Appear angry with some black boy, and see how it will affect him."

We rode for ten minutes or so. Then halting again: "Look yonder in that lock o' fence. There's where one went over into the brush." Beyond the high worm fence grew a stubborn tangle of briers, vines, and cane. "Mind you," I began to call after the nigger-chaser, but one of my companions spoke for me: "Mr. Hardy, we got to be dead sure they're runaways before we put the dogs on."

He's nigger-chaser on the Eugenie, the two- topmast schooner that rides abreast of you. Captain Kellar is the skipper. I'll have him bring Michael ashore. Beyond all doubt, this Jerry is the sole survivor of the Arangi." "When I get the time, and a sufficient margin of funds, I shall pay a visit to Chief Bashti oh, no British cruiser program.