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Te ynda ka Sngi ka la sngewthuh ia ka jingmut riwnar jong u ka la sngew bittar shibún bad ka la shim u dypei ha la ka kti bad ka la ong ia u, "da kum kane ka kam kaba sang kaba sníw phi thew ia nga ka hynmen kaba la thum la bah, la sumar sukher kum ka kymie ryngkat; mynta ngan tep da u dypei ia ka shyllang-mat jong me u riwnar u khlem raiñ, khie phet noh na iing."

XII, p. 270. "Miminsad, miminsad si Mansilatan Opod si Badla nga magadayao nang dumia Bailan, managunsayao, Bailan, managunliguit." This means: "Mansilatan has come down, has come down. Bailanas, dance; bailanas, turn ye round about."

Now, by daylight, it was easy to have a good look at him. . . . His white forehead was big, and on it was a hump such as is only seen on very stupid dogs; he had little, blue, dingy-looking eyes, and the expression of his whole face was extremely stupid. When he reached the cubs he stretched out his broad paws, laid his head upon them, and began: "Mnya, myna . . . nga nga nga . . . !"

The following is the conjugation of the verb "to be" in the present, past, and future tenses: The above simple tenses are made definite or emphatic by various means. La, sign of the past, when added to lah, sign of the potential, has the sense of the pluperfect, e.g. nga la lah long, I had been.