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The streets were new-looking, non-historical, filled with commonplace people; but in the picture-galleries she was with great names, in great times. 'Nan, her sisters remonstrated, 'what is the use of dawdling over pictures like this? The Old Masters are all alike. There are plenty of Holy Families and broken-necked angels in England.

Porson's armchair, and Porson himself perched upon the edge of a new-looking leather sofa in an attitude of pained expectancy. "Now I am at your service, Colonel," he said. "Oh! yes; well, it is just this. I want you, if you will, to look through these figures for me," and he produced and handed to him a portentous document headed "List of Obligations." Mr.

At some of the holes on the mounds ants will be seen busily at work, bringing up little pellets of earth from below, and casting them down on the ever-increasing mound, so that its surface is nearly always fresh and new-looking. Standing near the mounds, one sees from every point of the compass ant-paths leading to them, all thronged with the busy workers carrying their leafy burdens.

"Not at all, dear; you could come as a sort of companion for me, or a sort of companion for mamma. What does it matter how you come, if I can only have you? My life will be so dreary in that dreadful new-looking house, unless I have a companion I love. Will you come, Di? only tell me you will come! I am sure Mr. Sheldon would not refuse, if I asked him to let you live with us.

"Come along, Jim; the luggage can come on later." And in less than five minutes the matter was arranged. Herrick elected to sit beside the chauffeur, so that Toni and her new acquaintance sat together in the body of the car. Mrs. Herrick's large and rather new-looking dressing-bag on the floor at their feet.

I know how I mean to wear mine; but I mean to keep it till I get home." Her father transferred his melancholy gaze to her elaborately- appointed little person; there was a great deal of very new-looking detail in Miss Ruck's appearance. Then, in a tone of voice quite out of consonance with his facial despondency, "Have you purchased a great deal?" he inquired.

The first historical world is not a new-looking thing but a very ancient, and according to principle it is necessary that it should exist for ages. If human nature was to be gradually improved, each generation must be born better tamed, more calm, more capable of civilisation in a word, more LEGAL than the one before it, and such inherited improvements are always slow and dubious.

They walked briskly, the lean engineer setting a pace that kept the other stumping hurriedly beside him. Abreast of the mill they approached a new-looking, long, low building. It was single storied and lumber built, with a succession of many windows down its length. The hour was noon. And men were hurrying towards its entrance from every direction. Bat watched interestedly.

And I'm sure he would be pleased to-day if he saw it. The times people have advised me to grow ivy even Lady Tweedie, the last time she came to tea but I never would. It's as new-looking as the day he left it.... You don't want to leave The Towers, Muriel?" "No o, but don't you think, Mother, we needn't work quite so hard for our social existence?

The key grated, the door opened, and Melchard entered the room, dressed in a soft, new-looking suit of purplish grey; the jacket too long in the body and too close in the waist, the wide, unstarched cuffs of the mauve shirt turned back an embryo fashion over the coat-sleeves. And with him came the miasma of that nauseating perfume.