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Thar was one remarkable pecooliarity about ther Nix family, frum root ter stump, an' ther war, they war nevyer known ter refuse a gift or an advantageous offer; in this respeck they bore a striking resemblance ter the immortell G'orge Washington. G'orge war innercent; he ked never tell a lie.

Nix ar' a word thet causes sorrer an' suffering ter scores 'n' scores o' people, more or less generally more uv less than less o' more an' tharfore I nevyer feel it my duty, as a Christyun, ter set a bad example w'ich others may foller." Redburn glanced toward Anita, a quizzical expression upon his genial face.

Yas, I kno' yer brother leastways hev seen him an' heerd heeps about him. Letters uv his name spell Ned Harris, not?" "Yes, sir; but how can you know him? Few do, in Deadwood." "Nevyer mind that, my puss. Ole Walsingham Nix do kno' a few things yet, ef he ar' a hard old nut fer w'ich thar is not cra'kin'." Anita looked at Redburn, doubtfully.

The terrible malady attacked me w'en I war an infant prodigy, an' I've nevyer yit see'd thet time when I c'u'd resist the temptation an' coldly say 'nix' w'en a brother pilgrim volunteered ter make a liberal dispensation uv grub, terbarker, or bug-juice.

"But who does it belong to?" the Mexican wanted to know. "My nevyer," the invalid said. "And which is 'e?" "He's down in the shed fixin'," the old man informed him. Lopez turned to Pedro. "Venustiano shall find him. Before he make trouble you," turning to "Red," "shall show 'im where." Pedro had raised his revolver; and one look at it was enough for "Red."

"I don't want him to marry her," the father was honest enough to say. This had never occurred to Uncle Henry. "What's the matter with him?" he asked, his eyes opening wide in amazement. "It would take too long to tell you." Hardy considered the argument closed; but Uncle Henry came right back again: "But he's my nevyer!"