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Oh, the birds did call the nightingale such pretty names! The nightingale sang, and the birds replied like this: "I will sing a song. I'm the nightingale. 'Sing a song, long, long, Little Neverfail! What will you sing about, Light in or light out? 'Sing about the light Gone away; Down, away, and out of sight Poor lost day! Mourning for the day dead, O'er his dim bed.

The most obstinate cases yield at once. Thousands of once desperate women bless the name of Relief Pills." "I don't want to look at it," said the Doctor. "No, I guess you don't! It's from the 'Clarion, that clipping. And the Neverfail Company that makes the fake abortion pills is you." "It doesn't mean that. You've misread it."

Obviously the new boss understood little of his progenitor's extensive business interests. "Might as well know sooner as later," decided Ellis, aloud. "It's the Neverfail Company of Cincinnati that we got turned down on." "What is the Neverfail Company?" "One of Dr. Surtaine's alia one of the names he does business under. Every other paper in town gets their copy. We don't. Hence the roast."

Can you be honest on one page and a crook on another? Can you bang the big drum of righteousness in one column and promise falsely in the next to commit murder? Ellis, why does the 'Clarion' carry such stuff as that?" "Do you really want to know?" "Well, you're asking me to help your sheet," the ex-surgeon reminded him. "Because Dr. L. André Surtaine is the Neverfail Company."

Top of column, "next to reading," as its contract specified, the lure of the Neverfail Company stood forth, bold and black. "Boon to Troubled Womanhood" was the heading. Dr. Elliot read, with slow emphasis, the lying half-promises, the specious pretenses of the company's "Relief Pills."

And in that ruction the fate of the Neverfail Company's ad. is going to be decided and with it the fate and character of the 'Clarion. Now, Dr. Elliot, my cards are on the table. Will you help me in the Rookeries matter?" "What do you want me to do?" "Go cautiously, and find out what that disease is." "I'll go there to-morrow." "They won't let you in." "Won't they?" Dr. Elliot's jaw set.