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Venus, as the twin of the earth in size, is a planet which the imagination, warmed by its sunny aspect, would fain people with intelligent beings a little fairer than ourselves; but how can such ideas be reconciled with the picture of a world one half of which is subjected to the merciless rays of a never-setting sun, while the other half is buried in the fearful gloom and icy chill of unending night?

Soon the ship is anchored, the crystal bridge prepared, and the korolevna Helena, the beautiful princess, appears like a never-setting sun, her eyes like bright stars, and oh! how happy is the Tsar Archidei!

I think it is due to their forereaching science, which assures them that this world has entered upon the last stage of its existence which began with the arrest of its axial rotation, and which will end with the total extinction of life through the evaporation of all the waters under the never-setting sun, and the consequent complete desiccation of this now so beautiful land."

We can see that distant home, Though clouds rise oft between; Faith views the radiant dome, And a lustre flashes keen From the New Jerusalem. O, glory shining far From the never-setting sun! O, trembling morning star! Our journey's almost done To the New Jerusalem. Our hearts are breaking now Those mansions fair to see: O Lord, thy heavens bow, And raise us up with thee To the New Jerusalem."