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"It is extremely kind of her," he said quietly. "Oh, I know she's not the kind of girl you admire," said Stephen, in rather a nettled tone. "You wouldn't look at a saloon-keeper's daughter simply because she is a saloon-keeper's daughter; you like a girl in your own rank, all grace and dignity and good manners, and awfully clever and intellectual, and gifted and educated, and all that."

Royal's attention was upon Rodney, who was creeping gaily about the floor, examining every nook, and making himself perfectly at home. "I don't know whose it is," the parson retorted, a little nettled at his wife's question. "I can tell you about every man, woman, and child in this parish; I know all the horses and dogs, and can give you their pedigrees.

On the border are the Niam-Niam, who circumcise. I suppose they took it from these Arab tribes. I only hope you will come up. "Believe me, "Yours sincerely, "C. G. GORDON." A few weeks later Burton's laconic refusal of Darfur reached Gordon. That Gordon was nettled a little is apparent from the opening paragraph of the following letter.

Dinah paid no more heed to her husband's hint to her to observe the proprieties than Lousteau had done to Dinah's significant warnings on the day of his arrival. Any other man than Bianchon would have been surprised at Lousteau's immediate success; but he was so much the doctor, that he was not even nettled at Dinah's marked preference for the newspaper-rather than the prescription-writer!

So, that young Gentleman has nettled him, stung him to the quick: I hope he'll chain her up the Gad-Bee's in his Quonundrum in Charity I'll relieve him Come, my Lady Fulbank, the Night grows old upon our hands; to dancing, to jiggiting Come, shall I lead your Ladyship? L. Ful. Sir Cau. Ay, no doubt on't, a Pox on him for a young handsome Dog. Sir Feeb.

"And if we suffer from any error this race commit, we must remember it is our own people who have brought it to us," said he. "Africa never would have come to us." Mr. Benton, apparently nettled, said: "I imagine you would not enjoy a drove of these people in your care.

He stopped a second on that word LYNCH as if to let it soak in. The doctor, he bowed toward him very cool and ceremonious, and says, mocking of him: "You reassure me, Mister Mister What is your name?" He said it in a way that would of made a saint mad. "My name ain't any difference," says Will, trying not to show he was nettled.

Everybody knows there will be no fish and fowl in heaven," said her husband. "Then how can we have dominion over them if there are none there?" asked his wife. "It seems to me that you are both very dense this evening. Let us continue and these things will clear up as we proceed," said the pastor, a little nettled at his inability to answer their questions clearly.

"It's right here you're trying to make money by putting on one man to do the work of two." "How?" Bannon's quiet manner exasperated the delegate. "Use your eyes, man you can't make eight men carry a twelve-by-fourteen stick." "How many shall I put on?" "Ten." "All right." "And you'd better put eight men on the other sticks." The delegate looked up, nettled that Bannon should yield so easily.

"You are very amusing," she said, quietly. "The most amusing of them all." The remark nettled me, and I quickly retorted: "Then I have not lived in vain." "You do really live, then, eh?" she asked, half chaffingly, gazing at me out of the corners of her eyes in a fashion which utterly disarmed me. "Excuse me, Miss Andrews," I answered, "but I am afraid I don't understand you."