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"Whut you do hit for?" This from Neptune, in a heart-shaken, anguished, rattling whisper. He asked no further questions. He had no doubt. Jake's rolling eyes had told him the unspeakable truth. "I 'clah to Gawd, Da' Nepshun, I wuz n't meanin' no hahm I never had no idea She came down de cawn-field paff wid de cow followin' 'er en en I don't know whut mek me meddle wid dat gal.

She clapped her hands with glee, as he lifted her in front of him and started Neptune into a brisk trot, and made a bridle for herself out of the horse's silky mane. "Gee, gee, Nepshun. Nan loves you, dear." When they reached the fording place John's face grew grave. The river had risen during the night and was rushing along with turbulent strength. There was no house within five miles.

Your father sold him this afternoon." "My nice Nepshun!" The child's lip quivered, but something in the suffering face above her made her say quickly, "Me'll be dood, Don, an' when oo turn back, me'll be waitin' at de gate." She patted his cheek confidingly. "Nice Don! Nan loves oo, dear, an' Desus. Nan loves Desus 'cause oo do, Don." John's voice choked. "Keep on loving, Nansie." "Yes, me will.

"You you " Neptune gulped, strangling. A long, slow shudder, as of one confronting unheard-of torture, went over his big frame. The fringe of hair on his bald head rose, his beard bristled. Sparks seemed to shoot from his eyes, burning with a terrible flame. "Da' Nepshun " Jake put out clawing, twitching hands. "Dey 's dey 's gwine to git me." His voice broke into a half-scream.

The knock came again, this time more insistent. Then a thick voice spoke, muffled by the intervening door: "Daddy Nepshun, is you awake? For Gawd A'mighty's sake, Daddy Nepshun, lemme in!" The old man stepped to the door and flung it wide. The figure that had been crouching against it tumbled in and lay panting on the floor.

For Gawd's sake, Da' Nepshun, gimme a drink en don't ast me no questions twell I 's able to answer." His voice was hoarse and shaking; his whole body shook. "I ain't got no w'isky, but I got coffee en bittles. Whichin you is welcome to," said Neptune. "You ain't say yit whut you been doin'. Whut you been up to, Jake?" Jake writhed off the floor. Again Peter recoiled instinctively.

He had never before seen any one with just that look of brute cunning and terror. Daddy Neptune's steady eyes took in every detail. He stiffened in his tracks. "Whut you been doin'?" he demanded. Jake turned his head from side to side; he refused to meet the direct old eyes. He mumbled: "Is you got any w'isky, Da' Nepshun?