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When the rains were heavy, the swift mountain streams could not be crossed, and often provisions gave out; then with neighborly kindness those who had, loaned to those who had not, until fresh supplies could be obtained.

Miss Hopkins, it appeared, despised butter-scotch, and abhorred preserved ginger. "I saw The Author hiking across lots a while since. Nice, open-hearted, neighborly man, The Author. "Good heavens, certainly not!" cried Miss Hopkins. And she looked strangely upon Mr. Nicholas Jelnik. "No? Thank you. I was in doubt," murmured Mr. Jelnik. The golden flecks danced in and out of his eyes.

Sometimes, when she turned it so, the hole was nearly covered except that there was the frayed rent at the bottom still grinning maliciously up at the mender. "'Patch beside patch is neighborly, but patch upon patch is beggarly!" quoted Mrs. Jerry, at the moment forgetting that the girl could not understand.

Knoxwell, the blacksmith's wife, used to hammers and nails, and believing in good, forceful, honest ways of doing things; feeling also a righteous and neighborly indignation against this child, negligent of her worn and lonely mother; "skitin' about the country, makin' believe big and famous. She would let her know the truth, right out plain; it would be good for her."

It's come to such a pass that you can hardly trust anyone around you." "Oh, now, Mr. Wicks," laughed Mrs. Patten. "You know that isn't so. I think the people around here are a fine lot. They're neighborly and kind when you're in trouble. Only last year when Dad cut his foot, the men and boys came every day and helped with the cattle." "Sure, that's right, Mrs. Patten.

In great cities, necessarily great centers of crime, we daily hear of murders; their frequency and remoteness leave us undisturbed. Our sympathies can only be deeply moved either by some scenic peculiarities investing the crime with unusual romance or unusual atrocity, or else by the more immediate appeal of direct neighborly interest.

"'Yes, and a very happy one, said Elizabeth, placing her hand upon my shoulder in loving fashion. The child, for she was hardly more than that, gave an odd little sigh, but quickly brightened up again. "'I'm downright glad ye came, she said heartily. 'I do so like folks to be neighborly and sociable. Ye ain't stuck up, nuther, like most city folks; no airs, nor the like o' that.

Strang with his amused laugh fended off all protest and neighborly advice. "That's Gargoyle's special variety of hashish. He lives in a flower-harem in a five-year-old Solomon's Song. I've often seen the irises kowtowing to him, and his attitude toward them is distinctly personal and lover-like.

"Shelby, now, mebbe won't think this yer the most neighborly thing in the world; but what's a feller to do? If he catches one of my gals in the same fix, he's welcome to pay back. Somehow I never could see no kind o' critter a strivin' and pantin', and trying to clar theirselves, with the dogs arter 'em and go agin 'em.

Then the trick had to be accomplished, and a sleepy man in a bathrobe and slippers listened and said sleepily, "Oh, of course you'll tell the Americans. It's only neighborly!" and padded back to his bed to go to sleep again. Then he waked up suddenly and began to sweat. He'd realized that this might be the beginning of atomic war.