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In the papyrus of Nebseni, written about 1550 B.C., Osiris is depicted sitting in a shrine, from the roof of which hang clusters of grapes; and in the papyrus of the royal scribe Nekht we see the god enthroned in front of a pool, from the banks of which a luxuriant vine, with many bunches of grapes, grows towards the green face of the seated deity.

So avaunt! thou sun-beclouding one, and let me have a prosperous voyage. Nu says: My seat, my throne, come ye to me, surround me, divine ones. I am a mummy-shaped person. O grant that I may become like the great god, successful, having seat and throne. Nebseni, lord of reverence, says: I am yesterday and know to-morrow. I am able to be born again.

Three Pools or Lakes called Urti, Hetep, and Qetqet. Nebseni reaping in Sekhet-hetepet. Nebseni grasping the Bennu bird, which is perched upon a stand; in front are three KAU and three KHU. Nebseni seated and smelling a flower; the text reads: "Thousands of all good and pure things to the KA of Nebseni." A table of offerings.

Nebseni ploughing with oxen on an island "the length of which is the length of heaven." An island whereon are four gods and a flight of steps; the legend reads: "The great company of the gods who are in Sekhet-hetep." The boat Tchetetfet, with eight oars, four at the bows, and four at the stern, floating at the end of a canal; in it is a flight of steps.

In the Papyrus of Nebseni the divisions of the Sekhet-Auru contain the following: Nebseni, the scribe and artist of the Temple of Ptah, with his arms hanging by his sides, entering the Elysian Fields. Nebseni making an offering of incense to the "great company of the gods." Nebseni seated in a boat paddling; above the boat are three symbols for "city." Nebseni addressing a bearded mummied figure.