United States or Heard Island and McDonald Islands ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

I've got to rejoin my ship at 9 a.m. on Friday morning, or I run the risk of being hauled over the coals." "Surely not. They will make allowances, seeing what your errand has been." "They don't make allowances easily in the Navy, sir. Besides, I've set my heart on being back in time." "You will return this way, then. Ysabel Island is this side of the 180 degree line." "Well, no, sir.

Master Michael's services to his new acquaintances, I began to perceive, were not exactly of the same nature as Dibdin is reported to have rendered to our navy in the late war. Far from it.

For detailed information respecting the state of our maritime force on each sea, the improvement necessary to be made on either in the organization of the naval establishment generally, and of the laws for its better government I refer you to the report of the Secretary of the Navy, which is herewith communicated.

England had its own troubles and was in high excitement about an increased grant of money for the support of the army and navy, and the continuance of the income-tax. The Chartists threatened to make a great demonstration on Kennington Common. The first threat in London, for the 13th of March, a few days before the birth of the little Princess, ended in utter failure.

This method of attack remained the ideal if such a word is not a misnomer in such a case of the British Navy, not merely as a matter of irreflective professional acceptance, but laid down in the official "Fighting Instructions."

It was another right-end pass for the Navy, backed by a solid charge. Worse, in the impact that followed Dave succeeded, somehow, in outwitting even Prescott's stern vigilance. Dick Prescott gave vent to a gasp. He felt his heart thumping as he wheeled, dashing after Dave. But Darrin was in his element now, neither to be stopped, nor overtaken.

However much we may protest that our aims are pacific, and that our Army is intended only for defensive purposes, foreign nations will view it with alarm, and will reflect that, by the help of our Navy, we can land an armed force in any country that has a sea coast. We shall thus incur the risk of a coalition against us.

The third of the Spanish vessels, the 'Vizcaya' or 'Infanta Maria Teresa, was caught by the 'Texas' in good fighting range, and it was she that engaged the chief attention of the first battle-ship commissioned in the American Navy. The 'Texas' steamed west with her adversary, and as she could not catch her with speed she did with her shells.

The repeller which was to take part in the Syndicate's proposed movement had been a vessel of the United States navy which for a long time had been out of commission, and undergoing a course of very slow and desultory repairs in a dockyard. She had always been considered the most unlucky craft in the service, and nearly every accident that could happen to a ship had happened to her.

Later, after gallant fighting on sea and land, he was given command of the U.S. frigate Alliance, in which he crossed the Atlantic to France, and fought and captured in a rattling battle two British warships, the Atlanta and the Trepasay. He was the Father of the American navy, holding captain's certificate No. 1, signed by Washington himself the highest rank then issued.