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The candidate tells the story of Tampico, Vera Cruz, Villa, Santa Ysabel, Columbus and Carrizal. Mr. Hughes is specific, either because the facts as known from the newspapers are irritating, or because the true explanation is, as for example in regard to Tampico, too complicated. No contrary passions could be aroused by such a record. But at the end the candidate had to take a position.

It does seem almost impossible to do much for people so circumstanced; yet it was much the same in Mota and elsewhere, where things are altered for the better. It was bad and trying weather, and it was well to have only two old Banks Islanders on board, besides three Ysabel lads.

As for the new world which was making a rude noise to the northward, he trusted that it might keep away from Santa Ysabel, and he waited for the vessel that was overdue with its package containing his single worldly indulgence. As the little, ancient bronze bell continued its swinging in the tower, its plaintive call reached something in the padre's memory. Without knowing, he began to sing.

The ships brought few luxuries, beyond raiment and jewels, to even the wealthy of that isolated country. "Ysabel," called the Governor, "where art thou? Come down to the town and hear the fortune of the races. Alvarado Street streams like a comet. Why should the Star of Monterey withhold her light?" A girl rose from a sofa and came slowly forward to the corridor.

John the Baptist, north of Monterey, had a splendid chime of nine bells said to have been brought from Peru and to have very rich, mellow tones. San Miguel had a bell hung up on a platform in front of the church, and now at Santa Ysabel, sixty miles from San Diego, where the Mission itself is only a heap of adobe ruins, two bells hang on a rude framework of logs.

'The most distant point we reached was the large island Ysabel, in the Solomon Archipelago. 'It would weary you if I wrote of all the numerous adventures and strange scenes which in such a voyage we of course experience. I will give you, if I can, an idea of what took place at some few islands, to illustrate the general character of the voyage.

Thirty-three Banks Islanders, the baptized party and select lads from their islands, one New Caledonian, four Ysabel lads, constitute this summer's Melanesian school. 'Don't be disappointed; I was at first, but I had the comfort of having really no alternative.

Ysabel, a young slave girl belonging to Don Carlos Pedro of Havana, began to menstruate soon after birth, and at the first year was regular in this function. At birth her mamma were well developed and her axillae were slightly covered with hair. At the age of thirty-two months she was three feet ten inches tall, and her genitals and mammae resembled those of a girl of thirteen.

The people spoke the Ysabel language, and the place seemed promising.

It was a sight worth going a long way to see, so says Mr. Atkin's journal. The next sight was, however, still more curious. The Bishop relented so far towards 'the Net, as to write an account of it on purpose for it. Ysabel Island is, like almost all the rest, divided among many small communities of warlike habits.