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"They flew over to church there and settled in black trees." "Vicar, maybe, since they went that way." "Mebbe!" hopefully. "Well, well! Perhaps if we gave him a hint he might take some precautions." "Couldn' tek nauthen 'd be any use 'gainst crows. Go'zamin, they knows!" "You're just a confirmed old croaker, Johnnie." "A'n't!" said Johnnie. "Where's our old friend Marielihou?"

He warn't ten yards off when he bounced up first, but I pulled without cocking, and when I'd got my gun fixed, he'd got off a little piece, and I'd got nauthen but fox-shot, but I hot him jist in the side of the flank; the blood flew out like winkin', and the hounds arter him like mad, up and down, and round and back, and he a kind of weak like, and they'd overhauled him once and again, and tackled him, but there was only four on them, and so he beat them off like every time, and onned again!

"Oh, you wont ketch him sayin' nauthen, leastwise not this half hour but the way he'll keep a feedin' wont be slow, I tell you that's the way to judge how Forester likes his grub jest see how he takes hold on 't." "Are there many wood-duck about this season, Tom?" asked Forester, affecting to be perfectly careless and indifferent to all that had passed. "Did you kill these yourself?"

Tom, do you hear what John says?" "I hear, I hear," growled out old Tom; "but the critter lies like nauthen. He always does lie, cuss him." "Well, here goes, and we'll soon see!"

Well, boys, I upped gun and tuck sight stret away, but just as I was drawin', I kind o' thought I'd got two little charges of number eight, and that to shoot at ducks at fifteen rod wasn't nauthen.