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"There you will behold our extraordinary educational collection of Nature's mysteries, known as 'The Descent of Man, described by the nobility, the scientists, and the faculty as the most complete representation of man's descent from the apes ever presented to an intelligent audience.

"I have used my best endeavours. Yes, though I say it to his face, you will really if careful to appeal to his better instincts find him one of Nature's gentlemen." Mr. Trapp broke into a grin of relief; almost you could say that he heaved a sigh. "Oh, that's all?" said he. "Why, Lord love ye, ma'am, I've been called that myself before now!" So to Mr.

But this much we can say: Though God created us a savage, fortunately man is civilizing Nature's brute and is making him a Man. Disease is one of Nature's cardinal forces. So, to attain health, we struggle against disease; but health only means the guarding of it through fear. "With all the ills the flesh is heir to," true health is a chimera, an existing state unknown to man.

Whatever mother may have thought of the one-roomed cabin, whose chinks let in the sun by day and the moon and stars by night, and whose carpet was nature's greenest velvet, life in it was a perennial picnic for the children.

Nature's instincts are more cogent than reason. It was hardly to be wondered at, then, that these two great classes were largely represented in the crowds that gathered on the banks of the Jordan. To a Jew that phrase meant the re-establishment of the Theocracy, and a return to those great days in the history of his people when God Himself was Lawgiver and King.

That night the child was taken ill, and never recovered until some weeks after, when the grass was already springing on poor Elspie's grave. It is nature's blessed ordinance, that in the mind of childhood the remembrance of fear or sorrow fades so fast.

I was not at that early period trying to find out any of nature's secrets, but the scene I witnessed printed itself very vividly on my mind, so that I can recall it as well as if my years had been five-and-twenty; perhaps better.

"I never smelled such air!" he said to one of the seconds. "I never saw the sun so beautiful!" He sniffed the air and turned his face towards the sun. "Well, it's a day for Ireland," he added, in response to a gravely playful remark of Sir Almeric Foyle. "Ireland never was so sweet. Nature's provoking us!" "Yes, it's a pity," said Sir Almeric. "But I'm not thinking of bad luck for you, Calhoun."

It has been well said that the chief difference between the parks of Japan and the parks of Europe is that, whereas the latter are planned solely with reference to a geometrical scale of comeliness or in pure and faithful obedience to nature's indications, the former are intended to appeal to some particular mood or to evoke special emotion, while, at the same time, preserving a likeness to the landscapes and water-scapes of the world about us.

Girls, young ladies, to use the polite phrase, who are about leaving or have left school for society, dissipation, or self-culture, rarely permit any of Nature's periodical demands to interfere with their morning calls, or evening promenades, or midnight dancing, or sober study.