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But I considered you, from your independence, one of Nature's nobility, who did not serve for money. Excuse the mistake if such it is. "I am now going to Dongola and Assouan, and thence to Massowah to see Johannis, and then to Berberah vis-a-vis Aden, near your old friends the Somalis. Why do people die in these countries?

But your father that grand man! And then the young feller that would have made you such a good husband " Susan moved warningly "Not but what I'm sure you've got as good a one as it is. And we've got to take what we can get in this world," she added, spoiling it all by the philosophical acceptance of what she evidently regarded as a make-shift adjusting to Nature's needs.

He was a free, wild clown, performing only under Mother Nature's tent of wide-arched sky. If you wanted to see him, you could ticket or no ticket. That was nothing to him; for Mis, the wild clown of the air, had no thought either of money or fame among people.

A garden formed on this plan or lack of plan will seem to have evolved itself, and the utter absence of all formality will make it a more cunning imitation of Nature's methods than it would ever be if we began it with the intention of imitating her. Among our early-flowering native plants worthy a place in any garden will be found the Dogwoods, the Plums, the Crab-apple, and the wild Rose.

This leading purpose will bring into relation and unity all the subordinate aims of science teaching, such as information, utility, training of the senses and judgment, and of the power to compare and classify. For the accomplishment of this great purpose of gaining insight into nature's many-sided activities, there are several simple means not yet mentioned.

And what becomes of all the talk about an embattled universe on the side of goodness, in the face of the plain facts of life of nature's indifference, nature's cruelty which has led some men to believe in two sovereign powers, one beneficent and one malicious, and has led others to say, 'God is a superfluous hypothesis, and to believe in Him brings more enigmas than it solves, and has led still others to say, 'Why, if there is a God, does it look as if either He was not all- powerful, or was not all-merciful? Nature has but ambiguous evidence to give in support of this conviction.

Like three children amused with trifles, we looked at the sedges along the banks and the blue and green dragon-flies; the countess wondered perhaps that she was able to enjoy such peaceful pleasures in the midst of her poignant griefs; but Nature's calm, indifferent to our struggles, has a magic gift of consolation.

In that stupendous course in nature's own college, he "learned the river" as schoolboy seldom masters his Greek or his mathematics. With the naive assurance of youth, he gaily enters upon the task of "learning" some twelve or thirteen hundred miles of the great Mississippi.

"O, that's all right," answered Shorty confidently. "Words spoken in the heat of debate, and so on. They won't lay them up agin us. If they do, and want any satisfaction, we can give it to 'em. I kin lick any man in that crowd with my fists, and so kin you. We'll jest invite 'em to a little argyment with nature's weepons, without no interference by the guard. Come on."

Here are hundreds of sea-lions, young and old, basking in the sun or disporting themselves in the waters, and ever and anon you hear their roaring, reminding you that here is nature's grand aquarium.