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"A few words, John, ez between man and man, ez between my daughter's father and her husband who expects to be, is about the thing, I take it, as is fair and square. I kem here to say them. They're about Jinny, my gal." Ashe's grave face brightened, to Mr. McClosky's evident discomposure. "Maybe I should have said about her mother; but, the same bein' a stranger to you, I says naterally, 'Jinny."

A man weighin' close onter two hundred pounds 'd naterally prefer to walk out o' the door, but the widder hauled Johnnie out o' winder." "The widow?" "Mis' Janssen. There was buggy tracks at the foot o' the melon patch, and the widder's missin'. She's put it up to marry my Johnnie. I suspicioned something, but I counted on Johnnie.

"Knows all about how the Carthygenians fit the French, an' how the English licked the Persians, but here he goes droppin' plum skins on the groun' fur any wanderin' warrior to see." "Don't you go to attackin' Paul," said Shif'less Sol, "'cause Paul is a scholar like me. I ain't had the opportunities fur learnin', but I take naterally to it, 'specially history.

When de steak is een amost done, he score him lengthway dis way," passing a finger of his right hand over the palm of the left, "and fill up de crack wid salt an pepper, den gub him one turn more, and dat resolve it all beautiful. Oh no, Massa, moose meat is naterally werry dry, like Yankee preacher when he got no baccy. So I makes graby for him. Oh, here is some lubbly graby! Try dis, Massa.

There ain't no dividen's in love." "Naterally," observed Mr. Roberts, "ye know nothin' of love, Mister Bobo, an' ye never will. I'm sorry for ye, too. Life without love is like eatin' bull-beef jerky without salsa!" "I've raised Mandy," continued Mr. Bobo, ignoring this interruption, "very keerful. I give her good schoolin', victuals, an' a heap o' clothes.

Ye see I've got to tell the gal, naterally, that I'm di-vorced. And as that isn't known hereabouts, I don't keer to do so till I'm pretty certain. And then, in course, I've got to." "Why hev ye 'got to'?" asked Byers abruptly. "Because it wouldn't be on the square with the girl," said Abner. "How would you like it if Mrs. Byers had never told you she'd been married to me?

Josiah wanted to get one the worse way; he said that he would willin'ly carry it home in his arms for the sake of havin' it fly round over Jonesville, and sez he, "They are so smart, Samantha, they will git drunk jest as naterally as men do, they would feel to home in America."

Josiah didn't know a thing about the show, only what he gathered from its name; and feelin' as he did about himself and his sect, he naterally expected wonders. So, leanin' on the arm of Justice, I accompanied him into the buildin', which wuzn't fur from La Rabida. But almost the first room we went into, Josiah almost swooned at the sight, and I clung to his arm instinctively.

'It's naterally very gratifying to my feelings as a father, to see such a man as that, a kissing and taking notice of my children, pursued Mr Kenwigs. 'It's naterally very gratifying to my feelings as a man, to know that man. It will be naterally very gratifying to my feelings as a husband, to make that man acquainted with this ewent.

She pretends, fer my sake, but bein' a lady born an' bred, her mind's naterally set on silks an' satins, gems, a pianner an' statooary." "I can't believe it," said my brother. "Mrs. Panel has always seemed to me the most sensible woman " "Lady, if you please." "I beg pardon the most sensible lady of my acquaintance, and the most contented with the little home you've made for her."