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Do you understand?" "Yes, indeed, ole hoss," replied the delighted Jonas, displaying his mouthful of dominoes "dat five dollars ebery night will 'nable dis colored person to shine at de balls of de colored society dis winter; perhaps be de manager yah, yah, yah!"

From a pocket-book he produced a newspaper clipping, which he handed silently to his uncle. It contained an account of the robbery. Sir Lucius read to the end. Then his cheeks swelled out, and turned from red to purple; his eyes blazed with a hot anger. "Good God!" he exclaimed, "was ever a man so cruelly imposed upon? It is a d nable shame! You are right, Victor. This is the stolen Rembrandt!"

Strictly honest, also, I think only for his d nable disposition." "Doctor Johnson liked a good hater," I suggested sadly, for it was evident that my unfortunate protégé had already, in his own peculiar way, recommended himself to Stewart. You can imagine, by that circumstance alone, what a strong tincture of venom was held in solution by this feeble tenant of an hour.

To cling to the formal 'Twere such a good omen To drop the cognomen. So I beg you to promise That you'll call me "Thomas," Or better yet, "Tommie," Instead of th' abomi- Nable "Mr. Gilfoyle." You can, and you will foil My torments Mephistian By using my Christian Name and permitting Yours Truly To call you yours too-ly.