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As an allied power with Italy and England she had to show a forbidding front to Karl, but as "Le Figaro" said, "Ce n'est pas sur le Danube que nous menacent des perils mortels, c'est sur le Rhin." The Allies, however, as they are called, had little power to help or stop ex-Kaiser Karl.

The moment we issued forth, however, upon the quay again, there was a discharge of forty voices shouting in French. For a moment, completely stunned, I forgot where we were, which way going, and what we wanted. Up jumped a lively little gamin. "Monsieur veut aller a Pan's, n'est ce pas?" "Going to Paris, are you not, sir?" "Oui." "Is monsieur's baggage registered?" "Yes."

"Well, Gustav," said that gentleman in French as the foreigner approached him, where he waited in the outer lobby. "Eh bien, man cher," replied the other, "'ow 'appy I am to see you. I can speak ze Englise foine, n'est ce pas?" "What are you doing in London?" "I am vaiter, garcon at ze private hotel. 'Zey give me foods and drinks and one black coat, but not no vage.

Kirby shrugged his shoulders. Mitchell's look had irritated him. "Ce n'est pas mon affaire. I have no fancy for nursing infant geniuses. I suppose there are some stray gleams of mind and soul among these wretches. The Lord will take care of his own; or else they can work out their own salvation. I have heard you call our American system a ladder which any man can scale. Do you doubt it?

In tearing myself away from Eugenia, I found the truth of the French adage, "Ce n'est que la première pas qui coûte;" my heart grew lighter as I increased my distance from her. My father, to detach my mind still more from the unfortunate subject, spoke much of family affairs, of my brother and sisters, and lastly named Mr Somerville and Emily: here he touched on the right chord.

"Then it is agreed we fight at a barriere," said the Captain Derigny. "What's that, Trevanion?" "We have agreed to place them at a barriere," replied Trevanion. "That's strange," muttered O'Leary to himself, who, knowing that the word meant a "turnpike," never supposed it had any other signification. "Vingt quatre pas, n'est pas," said Derigny. "Too far," interposed Trevanion.

Sophie Mitoux had hers painted with a coral comb and earrings. How shabby this style is!" "I beg of you, my good Reine, let me follow my own fancy; an artist is a being of inspiration and spontaneity. Meanwhile, you make your bust too prominent; there is no necessity for you to look as if you had swallowed a whale. L'art n'est pas fait pour toi, tu n'en as pas besoin.

The child was persistently crying and roaring on an upper floor, in contumacy against his French nurse, when the baritone and threatening question was sent pealing up the stairs. The child was heard to pause and listen and then to say to his nurse, "Ce n'est pas Monsieur; c'est Madame," and then, without further loss of time, to resume the interrupted clamours.

I suppose, however, the savage was not without excuse; for Mary Stuart, who knew something of these matters, says, with a rather satirical glance at her cousin of England, "En ces sortes de choses, la plus sage de nous toutes n'est qu'un peu moins sotte que les autres." I have been to my first rehearsal here to-day; the theater is small, but pretty enough.

"You are eloquent, Mr. Bonnet." "N'est ce pas un sujet, Madame, to toucher le coeur de l'homme in a most delicate point; a man who could be insensible to such delicacy, to such aimable tendresse, would be no better than one of your sauvages, one of your Mohicans!" "Well, I don't think so much of it, because it is very common here; such matches happen every day."