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"To acquire knowledge." "Ay, knowledge, but what for?" "To fit us for heaven." "Phew! then you calculate to graduate from 'these classic shades' direct into celestial regions, do you, without sojourning awhile in this terrene purgatory? I do not, and, moreover, je n'en ai pas l'envie; I think the world has some claims upon me, and I mean to pay that debt, D. V."

When can I see her?" "Eh, je n'en sais rien," said the man. "If Mademoiselle wants to see her, she had better call again or she can leave a message," and he went on laying the tables. Madelon sat down despondingly on a chair near the door, hardly knowing what to do next.

The foreigners were deported to Nizhni by boat, and Rostopchin had said to them in French: "Rentrez en vousmemes; entrez dans la barque, et n'en faites pas une barque de Charon." * There was talk of all the government offices having been already removed from Moscow, and to this Shinshin's witticism was added that for that alone Moscow ought to be grateful to Napoleon.

"Just what they said about what poor Zenobie told me that it was a horrid dreadful story, that they had paid her every penny they owed her." "Well, perhaps they had," said Pemberton. "Perhaps they've paid you!" "Let us pretend they have, and n'en parlons plus." "They accused her of lying and cheating" Morgan stuck to historic truth. "That's why I don't want to speak to them."

Oh, how kind you are, what's that you are wrapping me up in?" "You are certainly in a regular fever and I've covered you with my rug; only about the money, I'd rather." "Oh, for God's sake, n'en parlous plus parce que cela me fait mal. Oh, how kind you are!" He ceased speaking, and with strange suddenness dropped into a feverish shivery sleep.

"Les fruits que cette conduite a produit dans la dernière guerre nous le savons [sic] et les anglois n'en ignorent rien. Qu'on juge l

"Je n'en vois pas la necessite!" said Betty, over her shoulder. "Betty, what a babe you are!" cried her husband, as Bayle, Watton, and Bennett all disappeared together. "Not at all!" cried Betty. "I wanted to get some truth out of somebody. For, of course, the real truth is that this Miss Sewell is "

Sophie Mitoux had hers painted with a coral comb and earrings. How shabby this style is!" "I beg of you, my good Reine, let me follow my own fancy; an artist is a being of inspiration and spontaneity. Meanwhile, you make your bust too prominent; there is no necessity for you to look as if you had swallowed a whale. L'art n'est pas fait pour toi, tu n'en as pas besoin.

She united, he says, the sweetness of the German lady with the energy of the Arabian, a combination hard to judge of. As to her feet, he adds, I say nothing; for she had scarcely any at all. 'Je ne parle point de ses pieds, elle n'en avait presque pas. 'Poor lady! says a compassionate rustic: 'no feet!

And with your accustomed suavity forgive me, if I chance inadvertently to whisper above my breath, 'Le jeu n'en vaut pas la chandelle? What the deuce do you suppose I care about her 'faith? She may run through the whole catalogue from the mustard-seed size up, as far as I am concerned, and you may make yourself easy on the score of my 'contaminating' the sanctified vagrant!" "St.