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"I beg a thousand pardons of Monsieur; but but my wife is very ill, and unable to travel." "Then, in that case, so excellent a husband cannot think of leaving a sick and destitute wife." "Poverty has no law; if I consulted my heart and stayed, I should starve, et il faut vivre." "Je n'en vois pas la necessite," replied I, as I got into my carriage.

"Surely je n'en suis pas la," she said to herself, "that I let it make me uncomfortable that a Mr. Robert Acton should n't honor me with a visit!" Yet she was vexed that he had not come; and she was vexed at her vexation. Her brother, at least, came in, stamping in the hall and shaking the wet from his coat.

He wrote in the cool hours before dawn, and later, when the village quivered in heat fumes and he slept, Marie posted what he had written to Paris. One day he took her head between his hands and said very gently: "Why don't you get a lover? Take life while you can." "You say there is eternal life," she protested. "N'en doutez-pas! But you must be rich in knowledge. Put flowers in your hair.

Capadose said to him, 'But can nothing be done, can't the picture be repaired? You know they do such wonders in that way now, he only replied, 'I don't know, I don't care, it's all over, n'en parlons plus! Her hypocrisy revolted him.

He can hear the clock tick as if its beat was the fail of a trip hammer. When even his fastidious task can no longer delay, he says, as the afternoon sun gilds the dome of the Invalides, throwing down his graver, "Je n'en puis plus, mademoiselle. It is finished. I will release you now."

And at any rate," rejoined Eugenia, "nous n'en sommes pas la!" They were not, as yet; but a little later, when she began to go with him to drive, it might almost have seemed that they were. He came for her several times, alone, in his high "wagon," drawn by a pair of charming light-limbed horses. It was different, her having gone with Clifford Wentworth, who was her cousin, and so much younger.

'Eh bien, Messieurs, wheel to de right. Ah! dat is it! Eh, Monsieur de Bradwardine, ayez la bonte de vous mettre a la tete de votre regiment, car, par Dieu, je n'en puis plus! The Baron of Bradwardine was obliged to go to the assistance of Monsieur de Beaujeu, after he had fairly expended his few English military phrases. One purpose of the Chevalier was thus answered.

The Opposition affects great spirits, and to be sanguine about a change of men and of measures. Je n'en crois rien. Charles said last night if I would give him five guineas he would give me 100 if I lost my place. He must get one himself to justify my accepting the proposal. The match of tennis stark naked was not played, which I am sorry for. Another red Ribbon vacant, Sir C. Montagu.

She held her peace, accordingly, and preserved such outward composure as she was able. "N'en parlons plus!" concluded the prince, fully aware of his triumph. "No one shall boast of outdoing Prince Cagliari in magnanimity, not even his wife.

Tous leurs chevaux sont Hongres: ils n'en gardent d'entiers que quelques-uns pour servir d'étalons, mais en si petit nombre que je n'en ai pas vu un seul. Du reste ils les sellent et brident