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His dramatic works are these: Antonio and Melida, a history, acted by the children of St. Paul's, printed in 1633. Antonius's Revenge; or the second part of Antonio and Melida. These two plays were printed in Octavo several years before the new edition. Dutch Courtezan, a comedy frequently played at Black Fryars, by the children of the Queen's Revels, printed in London 1633.

Underground Sounds Quito Rio Apure Guanaxuato Melida Nakous. Not the least remarkable among the phenomena produced by volcanic forces, are the strange underground noises which are occasionally heard. For the most part these are the preludes either of shocks of earthquake or of volcanic eruptions.

It is not commonly found higher than from 1,000 feet to 1,500 feet, but it occurs in the south of Italy as high as 2,000 feet. It is found, according to Sibthorp, on the sandy coasts of the Western Peloponnesus, in the same conditions, probably, as in the middle of Italy; it is also met with in the island of Melida. Cultivated, it is found on all the shores of the Mediterranean.

A somewhat similar phenomenon occurred in the Island of Melida in the Adriatic, off the coast of Dalmatia, where underground rumblings were heard from March 1822 to September 1824; but in this case the sounds were sometimes accompanied by shocks.

In case you cannot recall its precise situation, I might remind you that the Curzolane Archipelago, consisting of several good-sized islands Brazza, Lésina, Lissa, Mélida, and Curzola and a great number of smaller ones, lies off the Dalmatian coast, almost opposite Ragusa.