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This Heer Quatermain, an Englishman, was with the Governor Retief at the town of the Zulu king, as the Heer Henri Marais can testify. Now, as we know for sure Pieter Retief and all his people are dead, murdered by Dingaan, how then does it happen that this man has escaped?" "Why do you put riddles to me, Mynheer Pereira?" asked the dark Boer. "Doubtless the Englishman will explain."

He took from a drawer a great double-barreled horse pistol, put it under his coat, and the four, quietly leaving the house, went toward that of Hendrik Martinus. There was no light except that of the moon and, in the distance, they saw a watchman carrying a lantern and thumping upon the stones with a stout staff. "It iss Andrius Tefft," said Mynheer Jacobus.

"Then, depend upon it, that's the very man who has belied you." "What, Engelback? my particular friend?" "Yes, I should imagine so. Tell me, Mynheer Krause, I trust you have never entrusted to him the important secrets which I have made you acquainted with, for if you have, your knowledge of them would be quite sufficient." "My knowledge of them! I really cannot understand that.

Also he told of her piteous appeal to the boatmen in the names of their wives and daughters, and at the telling of it Foy wept with fear and rage, and even Martha gnashed her teeth. Only Martin cast off the boat and began to punt her out into deep water. "Is that all?" asked Foy. "That is all, Mynheer, I know nothing more, but I can explain to you where the place is."

I was very angry with you last night, because I thought you were taking great liberties; but I see now how it is, you must keep yourself quiet, and as soon as we arrive at Portsmouth, you had better lose a little blood." "How much, Mynheer Vanslyperken, do you wish I should lose?" replied the corporal, with his military salute. "About eight ounces, corporal."

"Because I have seen the black tulip only two hours ago." "You have seen the black tulip!" cried Rosa, rushing up to Mynheer van Systens. "As I see you, miss." "But where?" "Well, with your master, of course." "With my master?" "Yes, are you not in the service of Master Isaac Boxtel?" "Yes, you." "But for whom do you take me, sir?" "And for whom do you take me?"

They were absurdly small for cavalry, and would have been quickly ridden over by any one of our heavy regiments. I was about to bid Mynheer Van Deck farewell. "No, not yet, my friend," he answered. "I purpose accompanying you to Cheribon, that I may render you any service in my power. I have a horse, and will follow immediately."

"I feel that myself, Mynheer. A knight considers himself in no ways lowered by taking ransom from a captive, or by receiving a purse of gold from his sovereign. But his notions of honour will scarce admit of his taking money for a service rendered.

"I hear it," replied Mynheer Kloots. "Aloft there; do you see the land?" "Yes," replied the man, after a pause in ascending the topmast shrouds. "It is right ahead low sand-hills, and the sea breaking high." "Then that must be the noise we hear. We sweep in fast with this heavy ground-swell. I wish the breeze would spring up."

He had imparted some warmth to his tone, and his manner bore the appearance of geniality. Robert, so susceptible to courtesy in others, began to find him less repellent. He rejoined in the same polite manner, and Mynheer Van Zoon talked to him a little while as a busy man of middle age would speak to a youth.