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Bangs himself let him in and let him read two or three magazines through in the library while we turned some more handsprings in the dining room this time. The Alfalfa Delts were fishing, too. It was a fair field and no favors. After a while Bangs told Matheson that the man named Smith presented his compliments and said it was all a mistake. His tutor's name was not Matheson, but Muttonhead.

"And after that, it ain't likely you'll do much more eating." "I don't quite get the point of that joke." "You'll get it soon enough! You'd savez it now, if you weren't a muttonhead. As it is, I'll have to explain it. Do you remember capturing Tony Chaves two years ago, lieutenant?" The ranger nodded, with surprise in his round, innocent eyes. "What happened to him?" demanded the other.

The injustice of being called a muttonhead all week for not obeying orders, and then being called a mudhead for stopping for orders, churned his soul, to say nothing of his language. He only averaged one English word in three, as he told us on the way out that to-day he was going to do exactly as he had been told or fill a martyr's grave only that wasn't the way he put it.

But the clerk was too obtuse to appreciate the clever shaping of thought, and this waste of ammunition irritated Cuthfert. He had been used to blinding people by his brilliancy, and it worked him quite a hardship, this loss of an audience. He felt personally aggrieved and unconsciously held his muttonhead companion responsible for it.

You'll git a chance to tell it to the jury, I shouldn't wonder. Mebbe they'll believe it. You never can tell." "Believe it! Why, you muttonhead, I found him where he was bleeding to death and brought him in." "That's what I heard say. Kinder queer, ain't it, you happened to be the man that found him?" "Nothing queer about it. I was riding in from Seven-Mile Creek Camp."

I like I skoll understand all das har big vorts yu make." "You'll understand them, I don't think," moaned Bost. "You couldn't understand a swift kick in the ribs. You are a fool. Understand that, muttonhead?" Ole understood. "Vy for yu call me fule?" he said indignantly. "Aye du yust vat you say." "Ar-r-r-r!" bubbled Bost, walking around himself three or four times. "You do just what I say!