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Both tribes are unsafe, and they will wax worse as they go south. Yet there is no difficulty in travelling up the Hamz, at least for those who can afford time and money to engage the escort of Shaykh Mutlak.

I have noted their northern and southern frontiers: to the north-east they are bounded by the vicious Ma'azah and the Ruwala-'Anezahs, and to the south-east by the Alaydan-'Anezahs, under Shaykh Mutlak. Like their northern nomadic neighbours, they have passed over to Egypt, and even the guide-books speak of the "Billi" in the valley of the Nile.

It receives a multitude of important secondary valleys; amongst which is the Wady el-'Uwaynid, universally so pronounced. If my conjecture prove true, we thus have a reason why this important line has been inexplicably neglected. Higher up it belongs to the Alaydan-'Anezahs, under Shaykh Mutlak these were the Bedawin who, during our stay at the port, brought their caravan to El-Wijh.

One day I asked her her story, and who she was; she replied, "I am the daughter of the king's wakili mutlak, and had been betrothed to my uncle's son. On the day of the marriage night he was attacked with a colic, and was in such agonies from the pain, that he expired in an instant; they brought me here with his corpse and have left me."