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"But boys of that age are tough, and when they had been thawed out, boiled in hot baths, and blistered with mustard poultices they was as good as new, and I reckon the Anderson kids was a mighty sight cleaner than they had been since the last time they went in swimmin'." "Now, as I said before, these Andersons were desperate poor, but they were good folks, and what you might call appreciative.

Carnagie saw grass-plants sprouting out of some of the intersected chambers. I found at Abinger in Surrey two burrows terminating in similar chambers at a depth of 36 and 41 inches, and these were lined or paved with little pebbles, about as large as mustard seeds; and in one of the chambers there was a decayed oat-grain, with its husk.

Mix together, to your taste, minced garlic, scraped horseradish, bruised mustard seed, and cloves; and a little ginger-root soaked in water to soften, and then sliced. Fill the cavity of the peaches with this mixture. Then tie them round with packthread, and put them into a stone jar till it is two-thirds full. Strew among them some whole cloves, broken cinnamon, and a little cochineal.

For escaping that darkness, one should give lights at the period mentioned. What is meant by the juice of deciduous herbs is oil of mustard seeds and castor seeds, etc. Well-fried paddy, reduced to powder, is sometimes used for giving a coating to dishes of meat. It will be remembered that the only chastisement that was in vogue in the Krita age was the crying of 'Fie' on an offender.

Uncle Ike looked at him in wonder, as though he was not sure but it was winter, and he was so ill as not to know that summer and fall had passed without his knowing it. "What you got them sliding-down-hill clothes on for, in July?" said the old man, as he put one puckered-up bare foot on the other, in the water, and sozzled them around in the mustard in the bottom of the tub.

"That's the organ-grinder's motto, and a very good motto, too. But we're the exception which proves the rule. We're grateful for your sympathy, but we don't want your relief." As he gazed at her, both dismayed and very exasperated, she went on, speaking a little wildly: "Mustard's a very good thing. I think I needed a little mustard just now to binge me up!"

I assume the notion of applying a mustard plaster outside one's stomach when one has a pain inside one's stomach is based on the same principle. However, one doesn't have to go clear back to medieval times to note the radical differences in the plan of treating human ailments. A great many persons who are still living can remember when the doctors were not nearly so numerous as they are now.

Within this pleasing framework arose the window display, arranged upon a bed of fine blue-paper shavings. Here and there fern-leaves, tastefully disposed, changed the plates which they encircled into bouquets fringed with foliage. There was a wealth of rich, luscious, melting things. Down below, quite close to the window, jars of preserved sausage-meat were interspersed with pots of mustard.

The captain, who had been complaining of lumbago, had had the cook prepare him a mustard poultice, and had retired early. Burns was on watch from eight to twelve, and, on coming into the forward house at a quarter after eleven o'clock to eat his night lunch, reported to Singleton that the captain was in bed and that Mr. Turner had been asking for him.

"He he he'll be hanged at half-past nine." "Don't talk about hanging and spoil my breakfast, you unkind, vulgar man you," cries the Princess. "John, some mustard. Pray who is to be hanged?" "Sire, it is the Prince," whispers Glumboso to the King. "Talk about business after breakfast, I tell you!" says his Majesty, quite sulky. "We shall have a war, Sire, depend on it," says the Minister.