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Muller explained that Miss Graumann did not want her nephew to know that it was she who had asked for aid in his behalf, and that it could only redound to his, Lange's, credit if it were understood that he had sent to Vienna for expert assistance in this case. It would be a proof of his conscientious attention to duty, and would insure praise for him, whichever way the case turned out.

Max Muller observes that 'Mannhardt's mythological researches have never been fashionable. They are now very much in fashion; they greatly inspire Mr. Frazer and Mr. Farnell. 'They seemed to me, and still seem to me, too exclusive, says Mr. Mr. Max Muller also mentions his own complaints, of 'the omnipresent sun and the inevitable dawn appearing in ever so many disguises.

Dr. von Riedau handed Muller the message. The commissioner was evidently pleased and excited. The telegram read as follows: "Man arrested here in possession of described purse containing four ten gulden notes and four guldens in silver. Arrested in store of second-hand clothes dealer Goldstamm. Will arrive this evening in Vienna under guard."

I have no aches or pains, no rheumatism, and now in my ninety-third year I can do a day's work at the orphan houses with as much ease and comfort to myself as ever." One sentence aptly sets forth a striking feature in his Christian character, viz.: George Muller, nothing. In himself worse than nothing. The Lord Jesus, everything. By grace, in Christ, the son of the King.

I have seen no instance of two species of the same genus twining in opposite directions, and such cases must be rare; but Fritz Muller states that although Mikania scandens twines, as I have described, from left to right, another species in South Brazil twines in an opposite direction. One of these four plants made seven spiral turns from right to left, and five turns from left to right.

They took me up at M. Muller's, you know, Sir; M. Muller had been obliged to go out and leave me." Mr. Lindsay threw a glance at his sister, which she rather resented. "And pray what do you expect, Ellen?" said she. "You are a mere child; do you think you ought to be treated as a woman?" "I don't wish to be treated as anything but a child, Aunt Keith."

In December, 1876, Mr. Muller learned, for instance, that a Christian evangelist, simply through reading about the orphan work in Bristol, had it laid on his heart to care about orphans, and encouraged by Mr.

Felicia was there, walking nervously up and down my little sitting-room She stopped short as I entered and came swiftly towards me. In the joy of seeing her so unexpectedly I would have taken her into my arms, but she shrank back. "Felicia!" I exclaimed. "How did you come here?" "Madame Muller went down for lunch," Felicia answered.

Francis and St. He flew over a garden! But witnesses in such trials were fanciful people. Lord Orrery and Mr. Greatrakes may have seen the butler float in the air after dinner. The exploits of the Indian fakirs almost, or quite, overcome the scepticism of Mr. Max Muller, in his Gifford Lectures on Psychological Religion.

He had attended the last levée. He went into reputable society. And he could give Lesbia all those things which the world calls good. Fräulein Müller had packed her heavy old German trunks, and had gone back to the Heimath, laden with presents of all kinds from Lady Maulevrier; so Mary and her husband felt as if Fellside was really their own.