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He came down one of the streets from Pacific Avenue, and the direction confirmed me in my theory. It also confirmed me in the opinion that I was all kinds of a fool to let this dirty hobo get a further chance at me. "I was not in a very good humour. Everything I had set going after Mulehaus was marking time.

He was saving me for the dry hour. He could point out Mulehaus in any passing chair, and I would give some coin to be rid of his pretension." Walker paused. Then he went on: "I was right. The hobo was waiting for me when I came out of the hotel the following morning. "'Howdy, Governor, he said; 'I located your man. "I was interested to see how he would frame up his case.

It was a Mulehaus job, as we figured it. "It was too big a thing for a little crook. With the government plates they could print Liberty Bonds just as the Treasury would. And they could sow the world with them." He paused and moved his gold-rimmed spectacles a little closer in on his nose. "You see these war bonds are scattered all over the country. They are held by everybody.

He came down one of the streets from Pacific Avenue, and the direction confirmed me in my theory. It also confirmed me in the opinion that I was all kinds of a fool to let this dirty hobo get a further chance at me. "I was not in a very good humor. Everything I had set going after Mulehaus was marking time.

"Of course we had gone right after the record of all the big crooks to see whose line this sort of job was. And the thing narrowed down to Mulehaus or old Vronsky. We soon found out it wasn't Vronsky. He was in Joliet. It was Mulehaus. But we couldn't find him. "We didn't even know that Mulehaus was in America. He's a big crook with a genius for selecting men.

"Where could I have gotten it?" he murmured. "Well," the Baronet said, "you might have got it from a big, old, pasty-faced Alsatian; that would be 'Dago' Mulehaus. Or you might have got it from an energetic, middle-aged, American woman posing as a social leader in the States; that would be 'Hustling' Anne; both bad crooks, at the head of an international gang of counterfeiters."

He might be directing the job from Rio or a Mexican port. But we were sure it was a Mulehaus job. He sold the French securities in Egypt in '90; and he's the man who put the bogus Argentine bonds on our market you'll find the case in the 115th Federal Reporter.

I don't mean dime-novel disguises false whiskers and a limp. I mean the ability to be the character he pretends the thing that used to make Joe Jefferson, Rip Van Winkle and not an actor made up to look like him. That's the reason nobody could keep track of Mulehaus, especially in South American cities. He was a French banker in the Egypt business and a Swiss banker in the Argentine."

I saw his intention in every turn of it and just where he got the material for the details of his story. But this absolutely distinguishing description of Mulehaus was beyond me.

"That gave me a new flash on the creature. He was a slicker article than I imagined. I was not to get off with a tip. He was taking some pains to touch me for a greenback. I thought I saw his line. It would not account for his hitting the description of Mulehaus in the make-up of his straw man, but it would furnish the data for the dollar story. I had drawn the latter a little before he was ready.