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The colde and moyst aire doth somewhat offend them. Yet doubtlesse men that are borne in hot Regions may better abide colde, then men that are borne in colde Regions may abide heate, forasmuch as vehement heate resolueth the radicall moysture of mens bodies, as colde constraineth and preserueth the same.

Call her, I care not if she heare me, I councell better than your physician: every night drinke a good cup of muscadine, you will not have moysture left to ingender spitle to cleanse thy mouth ith morning. Cla. Will you goe? Sister, I have shakd mine off. What stayes this nifle for? Crac. Nay, call me what you will, she is my prise, And I will keepe her. Captaine, to her Captaine. Suc.

If the heate of the Sunne in the day time doe burne or parch any thing, the moysture of the night doeth coole and refresh the same againe, the Sunne being as long absent in the night, as it was present in the day.

And it is drye and nothing fructuous; because that it hathe no moysture: and therefore is there so meche desart. And ziff it hadde ryveres and welles, and the lond also were, as it is in other parties, it scholde ben als fulle of peple and als fulle enhabyted with folk, as in other places. For there is fulle gret multitude of peple, where as the lond is enhabyted.

Mercy wilbe proud T'infold him gently in her Ivory armes, And, as she walkes along with him, each word He speakes sheele greedily catch at with a kisse From his soft lipps such as the amorous Fawnes Enforce on the light Satyrs. Let me dy Who, like the palme, when consious that tis void Of fruite and moysture, prostratly doe begg A Charitable headsman. Sir Hu.

And also whan it waxethe lytylle, it is dere tyme in that contree: for defaute of moysture. And whan the sonne is in the signe of Virgo, thanne begynnethe the ryvere for to wane and to decrece lytyl and lytylle; so that whan the sonne is entred into the signe of Libra, thanne thei entren betwene theise ryveres.

Also vnder the Tropikes, the day is longer by an houre and a halfe, then it is vnder the Equinoctiall; wherefore the heate of the Sunne hauing a longer time of operation, must needes be encreased, especially seeing the night wherein colde and moysture doe abound vnder the Tropickes, is lesse then it is vnder the Equinoctiall.

Enter Sir Geffry and Lady. Sir Geff. But I beseech you, Madam; what greater accession can you wish then me for husband? I have it here thats sattisfaction for the lustiest widdow twixt this and London. Say, will you love me? Ime in hast and hate demurrs; if you refuse I must seeke out: I have a little moysture and would be loth to hav't dride for want of exercise. What say you, lady? Lady.