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Thostrup know the old custom which is observed here in the country, when beer is brewed for the mowing-feast?" A piercing cry, as from a horde of savages, at this moment reached the ears of the party. The friends descended.

You did not go only into the garden! you went into the wood, and you remained a long time there! I saw it! You made a little visit to the handsome woman while the fiddler was here, did you not? I do not trust you so entirely!" "You are joking!" answered Otto. "Yes, yes," continued Wilhelm, "she is a pretty little woman. Do you not remember how, last year at the mowing-feast, I threw roses at her?

"No, that is only a joke of Sophie's," pursued Wilhelm; "she must always make suitable people romantic. He is called commonly 'Musikanti. The inhabitant of Funen Italianizes most names; otherwise he is called Peter Cripple." "You will hear his tones," said Sophie. "The day after to-morrow, when we have the mowing-feast, he will he number one.

This is, therefore, a kind of tax which he pays, and for the faithful payment of which he is rewarded by a harvest and mowing-feast; at the latter he receives a certain quantity of brandy, and as much ale as he can drink. During three afternoons in succession, in the inner court and under free heaven, should a ball be held.

By this means should the beer become stronger, and work more intoxicatingly at the approaching mowing-feast. Among the girls, one especially distinguished herself by her Strong frame of body, and her long black hair, which, now that her cap was torn off, hung in disorder over her red face. The dark eyebrows were grown together.

they are angry with her, and how could one expect, from the class to which she belongs, that she should return scorn with kindness? She is become savage, that she may not feel their neglect. In a few days, when we have the mowing-feast, you yourself will see how every girl gets a partner; but poor Sidsel may adorn herself as much as she likes, she still stands alone.