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From thence by link, and bought two mouse traps of Thomas Pepys, the Turner, and so went and drank a cup of ale with him, and so home and wrote by post to Portsmouth to my Lord and so to bed. To Church in the morning. Dined at home. My wife and I to Church in the afternoon, and that being done we went to see my uncle and aunt Wight.

Dickie Deer Mouse couldn't help thinking that it was a great night for the Owl family. And he was surprised to notice that Simon Screecher did not act overjoyed at seeing his cousin. "It's a pleasant night," said Solomon Owl in his deep, hollow voice. Simon Screecher replied somewhat sourly that he supposed it was.

They leaped upon it like cats upon a mouse. It went from hand to hand, one tearing it from another; and by the oaths and the cries and the childish laughter with which they accompanied their examination, you would have thought, not only they were fingering the very gold, but were at sea with it, besides, in safety. "Yes," said one, "that's Flint, sure enough.

That's the advantage of your type and the environment you connote you can be the whole show, or the veriest little mouse that ever sought the protective coloring of the shadows." "You aren't exactly taking the quickest way of putting me at my ease," Nancy said. "I'm very much embarrassed, you know. I'd stand being looked over for a few minutes longer if I could, but I can't.

These poor fellows turned into the road, had no choice but starvation; as to getting into Paris, that was impossible: a mouse could not have got into the place, so admirably were the forts guarded, without having his head taken off by a cannon-ball.

"All right," said the mouse. "I shall make a point of keeping away. But then you must always remember that it was you who bit the hole in the case and stood treat with all this. If you hadn't come, I should only have licked a bit on the outside, as usual." "You're a fool!" said the rat. "Good-bye."

"No, Sieur; no vessel passed us while I was at my post." "And I, Sieur," said a tanned old sailor who had explored every part of the then known world, "went on at four this morning, but not a mouse stirred after that time; and indeed they could not have escaped without my knowledge, for it has been broad day since that hour."

The edge, the dividing- line, is the essential thing in individuals, and Townsend's mind had pounced upon this as a cat will fall like a thunderbolt upon a mouse. It was in this vivid, practical way that his mind worked. He jumped all the intermediate things and came out with the essential in his mouth.

I made a feint of holding my roll of verses nearer the lamp at my right hand, summoned traitor memory to return, and began: "Hail!" Was that my voice? I did not recognize it. It was more as if a mouse in the gallery had squeaked. It would never do.

"Why shouldst thou have seen it all?" asked her jealous sister of Pocahontas, "while I had naught of it all but the shouting?" "Because," laughed Pocahontas, pulling her sister's long hair, "because my two feet took me in. Thine are too fearful, little mouse." An open space stretched before the ceremonial lodge, used for games and feats of running and shooting at a mark.