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About eleven the fog began to disperse, and the enemy became visible. At the same moment Lutzen was seen in flames, having been set on fire by command of the duke, to prevent his being outflanked on that side. The charge was now sounded; the cavalry rushed upon the enemy, and the infantry advanced against the trenches. Translated by A. J. W. Morrison.

At present, give your profit to Morrison, and come and consume some mock-turtle; and I'll tell you what Sheil's going to do for us all." Lord Ballindine did as he was bid, and left the room to prepare for dinner.

And when Charlie and his chums heard about the offer to pay shares for the broken glass Charlie said: "I'll pay my part, too!" "So will I!" cried his players. "That's more like it," chuckled Mr. Morrison, and, somehow or other, the boys began wondering why they had ever called him cross. Certainly he seemed quite different now.

"My name is Stephen Laverick," he admitted. "I understood that I should find Mr. Arthur Morrison here." "Yes," the girl answered, "he sent for you. The note was from him. He is here." She made no movement to summon him. She still stood, in fact, with her back to the door. Laverick was distinctly puzzled.

Donald Whiting is only a boy friend, treating me as a brother would, and Peter Morrison is much too sophisticated and mature to pay any serious attention to a girl with a year more high school before her. I want to be decent to Henry Anderson, because he is Peter's architect, and I'm deeply interested in Peter's house and the lady who will live in it.

'But you should be learning; you can get books anywhere, and can always improve yourself in the evenings. You shouldn't let Miss Croker get before you, said Mrs. Morrison. The good woman's interest touched Eva, and had its effect; for she delighted Mrs. Croker by writing to her and telling her where she was, and what she was doing; and Mrs.

Save your sarcasm for your agents who have been running around getting you into a real scrape by telling about those election returns." He snapped about face, on his heels, and walked out of the door. The haste displayed by Mayor Morrison in getting away from the study door suggested that he was glad to escape and was not fishing for any invitation to return for further parley.

"What could they have wanted?" Duke Barrows brushed dirt off his jacket. "They probably were reporters from a Newark paper," he said caustically, "trying to find out about the mysterious visitors on Spindrift." It hit Rick then. "Duke," he exclaimed, "you look like Dr. Morrison! I'll bet it was a case of mistaken identity!" The editor looked at him keenly. "Could be," he agreed.

But ere Nancy, the servant, could follow with the spoons and plates, Wattie Morrison had taken the tureen, and out of spite at Robert, had emptied its contents on the head of Shargar, who was still tied by the feet, with the words: 'Shargar, I anoint thee king over us, and here is thy crown, giving the tureen, as he said so, a push on to his head, where it remained.

When with slow and pondering action she hung up the receiver it occurred to her that she resented the idea of going to the Plaza. She did not dwell on the reason why. When Carley went into the reception room of the Plaza that night Morrison was waiting for her the same slim, fastidious, elegant, sallow-faced Morrison whose image she had in mind, yet somehow different.