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After dinner Morquil called them to the main cabin, and for the first time told about the destination. All that had kept them from losing hope long before, was his promise of greater comfort and luxury than they could hope for in their native land. "I know that some of you resent the fact that you were unconscious while put aboard this ship.

Morquil's aid was enlisted, to translate the text, and he learned some amazing facts. A description of the fuel was given, but the base for manufacture was unknown, being of natural origin on Jupiter. As Morquil read farther and explained sections that Dick couldn't understand, the earthman felt uneasy.

Word of this reached Morquil, and he hurriedly called Dick and John out of sound of the others. He appeared almost frightened, and the moment they were alone, he spoke. "What have you learned? I wanted you to know nothing, and it is better if you are ignorant. Whatever you learned is too much, and may upset the future."

He held a small ball in one hand, and while they waited for instructions it landed in their midst. A cloud of yellow vapor burst from the object, and everyone in the party slowly sank to the ground. Morquil joined the others in unconscious stupor, a victim of his own gas. Strange Destination When Dick opened his eyes, there was a feeling of motion to the bed.

When it emerged in the next dome, the imitation sky was the same, but only a small portion of the ground surface was cultivated. Small buildings dotted the level floor, which Morquil explained were the entrances of the mines, unworked for many years. Jerold Brown and his wife remained in this city, in an apartment as well situated as that of the Yarbro's, in the first dome.

Whether we're flying or swimming, this is the nicest room I ever had. It has everything, and look at the dressing table!" Dick sat down in amazement, a smile slowly spreading over his face. Dolores was happy wherever they were. The room was all that mattered. But he couldn't understand why Morquil had gassed them, and put them on board unconscious. He would have enjoyed seeing the new ship.

The crew was hurrying back and forth on the deck of the small ship, taking care of last-minute details. A group of people were gathered beside a huge stack of baggage, and Dick walked toward them without waiting for the others. Dolores went up the gangplank beside Morquil, helping him slightly. He seemed to have difficulty in supporting his enormous head with the slight body.

It was the only time they sighted land until just before the end of the trip, when small islands began to slide by. Some within a few hundred feet, others just visible in the distance. Morquil hadn't appeared on deck during the entire trip, but now he approached the rail. His face lighted with an ethereal glow as he gazed across the blue water.

Either we take up our lives in this new existence, or die out here in space destroying Morquil's race as well as ourselves. "He says they can not survive without our aid. Our own world did not need us, or give us much for our efforts. If it had we would not be on this strange space ship. Morquil hired only people who were willing to leave their homes and friends and we applied for the work.

We took three separate observations, and each showed the same result almost double normal speed! Does it mean what you wanted? Can we reach the domes?" "I hope so, Morquil. If the steam has made that much difference, we'll get there without trouble. The water must be conserved as much as possible and hope that it lasts.