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And the next geek potentate who tries to organize an anti-Terran conspiracy, or the next crazy caravan-driver who preaches znidd suddabit, will be lynched on the spot. But this must be the last nuclear bomb used on Ullr.... Drunkard's morning-after resolution! he told himself contemptuously. The next time, it will come easier, and easier still the time after that.

"The wail of the unslaked romanticist," commented Bertram. "Romanticist nothing!" protested the other. "My ambitions are practical enough if I could only get 'em stirred up." "Exactly. Boredom is simply romanticism with a morning-after thirst. You're panting for romance, for something bizarre. Egypt and St. Petersburg and Buenos Ayres and Samoa have all become commonplace to you.

The morning after Christmas Eve is the worst morning-after there is. The very house suffers the headache that follows a prolonged spree. Remorse stalks at large; remorse for the things one gave and did not give and got. Everybody must act a general glee which can be felt only specifically, if at all.

It was evident to him that Donaldson had been drinking, and had the usual morning-after reluctance about admitting it. The night telephone operator had said that he had acted queer. However, as long as the man was n't dead this did n't concern him. "Sorry the mistake was made, sir," he replied, anxious now to conciliate the guest.

Please don't fail to call on Miss Havender. Yours, with best wishes, She sent the letter to the address Kedzie had given her which was that of Kedzie's abandoned boarding-house. Since Kedzie, by the time her marriage had reached its first morning-after, had already found her brand-new husband odious, there was small hope of her learning to like him or their poverty better on close acquaintance.

You put the other fellows under the table, or into the hospital or the grave, and went your gorgeous way, a song on your lips, with tissues uncorroded, and without even the morning-after headache. And the point is that you are successes. Your muscles are blond-beast muscles, your vital organs are blond-beast organs. And from all this emanates your blond-beast philosophy.