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Only the inexplicable phenomena are miracles; and after a while if the theologians will only permit us to finish the job there won't be any inexplicable phenomena. Mystery, as I believe William James puts it may be called the more-to-be-known." "In taking that attitude, George, aren't you limiting the power of God?" said Mrs. Waring.

Moreover, for nine hundred and ninety-nine men out of a thousand the sense of mystery is the sense of more-to-be-known, not the sense of a More, not to be known. But pass the Unknowable by, and turn to Spencer's famous law of Evolution. "Science" works with several types of "law."

Only the inexplicable phenomena are miracles; and after a while if the theologians will only permit us to finish the job there won't be any inexplicable phenomena. Mystery, as I believe William James puts it may be called the more-to-be-known." "In taking that attitude, George, aren't you limiting the power of God?" said Mrs. Waring.

Only the inexplicable phenomena are miracles; and after a while if the theologians will only permit us to finish the job there won't be any inexplicable phenomena. Mystery, as I believe William James puts it may be called the more-to-be-known." "In taking that attitude, George, aren't you limiting the power of God?" said Mrs. Waring.