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"Goody!" exclaimed Cricket, "that's just what I'll do for myself. Eunice, I'm going to put the money in the really-truly bank this time, and keep putting more in, and I'll save my allowance and get a bicycle to ride when I'm too big to ride Mopsie. Wonder how long it would take." "Years," said Eunice, with a cold-water expression. "Why, Cricket, bicycles cost lots of money. You never could do it."

"Oh, Hilda! do you know, I've found out lately how to make Mopsie go up on his hind legs and walk around with me on his back. It's lots of fun and I don't fall off a bit, auntie." "That seems rather dangerous, my dear," said auntie, looking disturbed. "When did you learn?" "There's really not any danger, I think, mother," said Will. "Mopsie's such a gentle little chap and so well trained.

"I'm wild to get behind Mopsie and Charcoal again," for the ponies had been sent over from East Wellsboro for the children's use. "I'm going to " began Cricket, and then she stopped, remembering that she was going to surprise the family with what she felt sure would be the result of her mining explorations, the finding of mamma's long-buried money-bag.

"When Eunice and Cricket are big ladies, Helen and I are going to have the ponies. Papa said so," piped up Zaidee. "Dear me!" said Cricket, mournfully. "I wish I could take a tuck in my legs. I don't want them to get so long that I can't ride Mopsie. Get in, girls. Hello, Billy! If we had any room, we'd take you, too." Billy grinned.

"Cricket, I put my foot down on your doing anything of the kind," said auntie, in alarm, not feeling at all sure of Cricket. "Remember you're strictly forbidden to mount anything but Mopsie." "And the sawhorse?" broke in Archie. "Yes, I'll except the sawhorse," conceded his mother. "Why, auntie, I rode Columbus all around the field, bareback, the other day," said Cricket.

Maggie Sampson's little donkey can't go nearly as fast as Mopsie and Charcoal Ward. Mr. Simon has his summer stock of fresh red and white peppermints in. He won't have any chocolates till August, because he bought such a large stock in May. There is to be a church sociable in the Methodist church. I wish auntie would condescend to let us go, for we haven't ever been to a Methodist sociable.

Suppose two of you come with me, and the other two ride or drive Mopsie and Charcoal," proposed auntie. "All right. Suppose you and I go in the carriage, Eunice," said Edna, "and let the children take the ponies." "The children, indeed!" said Hilda, bridling. "I'm as old as you, Edna." "Cricket's the only trundle-bed trash," said Archie, pulling her hair.

And now, my small maid, will you go and ask Luke to harness Mopsie for you? I would like to send a note over to Mrs. Carter, if you would please take it for me." Cricket sprang up with a bound. "Would you really like me to go? Oh, thank you! I mean, of course, I love to stay with you, but "

She made up her mind that she would not take even Billy into partnership, for it would be so much fun for him to buy peanuts of her; but she graciously allowed him to go to the village store with her the next morning, after breakfast, to help her carry home her stock in trade. She would have driven Mopsie, but the cart was not yet home from the blacksmith's.

Cricket mounted Mopsie, with the boys walking beside her, while Billy stalked along, leading Charcoal, since Eunice and Edna were walking along together. Will was very fond of his merry little cousin, who laughed at his jokes, took his teasing good-naturedly, and loved and admired him with all her heart.