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Our contributions to the food and Agriculture Organization, the International Labor Office, the Pan American Union, and other similar international agencies will aggregate about 3 million dollars for the fiscal year 1947. The administrative expenses of the International Monetary fund and the International Bank will be met from their general funds.

Was there a monetary reason back of it all?" she mused. A great pain shot through her heart; a wave of intense bitterness filled her soul. "I will test these girls," muttered Miss Rogers, setting her lips together; "and that, too, before another hour passes over my head." After a few moments more of deliberation, she arose, and with firm step passed slowly down the broad hall to the sitting-room.

It certainly to my mind does not seem right that a woman should be driven into sacrificing her whole life to secure any monetary advantage either for herself or for others, but then the world is full of things that are not right. I can give you no advice, for I do not know what advice I ought to give.

As the inefficiency of the monetary system came home to the people in practical experience, it seemed as if they were being plagued and inconvenienced in every possible way. The conditions were just such as would spread disaffection among the farmers, and their discontent sought an outlet.

Sandys had been down with bronchitis again. Tommy raised the monetary difficulty. Elspeth knew where there was some money, and it was her very own. Tommy knew where there was money, and it was his very own. Elspeth would not tell how much she had, and it was twopence halfpenny. Neither would Tommy tell, and it was twopence. Tommy would get a surprise on his birthday.

Those states which formed the monetary division of Western EuropeFrance, Belgium, Switzerland and the Holy See, agreed at this time to refound their silver coinage. A model was chosen, which Greece, Portugal, Roumania and some other countries adopted in their turn, and it was understood that the new coinage for each state should be in proportion to its population.

And Madame Max Goesler was there, a lady whose society was still much affected by the old duke; and Mr. and Mrs. Bonteen, who had been brought there, not, perhaps altogether because they were greatly loved, but in order that the gentleman's services might be made available by Mr. Palliser in reference to some great reform about to be introduced in monetary matters. Mr.

But even where the employment was at first uncongenial, a strict sense of duty and a strong determination to master the difficult and to like the disagreeable, conquered in the end. In these days of fierce competition, no matter how ardent the desire for fame, he is a dreamer who loses sight of the monetary returns of his life-efforts.

Oswald Carey and her husband were old connections of the banker, the husband through monetary difficulties and the wife through complications of her own, in which old Bugbee had, for some reason or other, assisted her more than once. She knew that her husband was in the old man's power, but she never pretended to know it. On his side, old Bugbee was a foresighted worker.

The Roumanian girl had been awaiting Henrietta for some time, and Clementina thought it quite natural to conduct her into her mistress's sleeping-room, imagining that there was some monetary transaction between them, of which the baron and the domestics need know nothing.